PRELIMINARY OBSERVATION ON THE METAMORPHOSIS OF LOTUS FEMALE ORGAN Morphological observations on metamorphosed sepals in Anemone rivularis var. flore-minore (Ranunculaceae) Effects of diet condition on survival and metamorphosis of Charybdis japonica larvae Comparative study of two kind of parasitic plants living in desert The effects of different diet on metamorphosis and development of Eriocheir si nensis zoeae larvae Anatomical Studies on Adhesive Disc of Three Species of Parthenocissus The effect of garlic extract on early growth and development of Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum Hypocrellins produced by anam orphosis fermentation of Shiraia bambusicola Parasitic metamorphosis development of Lamprotula fibrosa Ontogenetic shifts in selected body temperature and thermal tolerance of the tiger frog, Hoplobatrachus chinensis AN ANAMORPHOSIS OF GYNOECIUM IN WHYTOCKIA (GESNERIACEAE), WITH PHYLOGENETIC IMPLICATION