Identification and Prokaryotic Expression of Almond AcSFB Gene Molecular Cloning and Characterization of Nitrite Reductase Gene BcNiR from Non-heading Chinese Cabbage Differential Expression Analysis of Bud of Pol CMS and Its Maintainter Lineof Brassica rapa ssp. chinensis Through SRAP Differential Expression Analysis of Bud of Pol CMS and Its Maintainter Lineof Brassica rapa ssp. chinensis Through SRAP Molecular Characterization and Coat Protein Gene Expression of a Turnip mosaic virus Isolate from Radish in Weifang Identification and Prokaryotic Expression of Almond AcSFB Gene Clon ing of PAL Gene from Sophora japon ica, Construction of Anti2Sense Geneof SjPAL and Its Genetic Tran sforma tion in A rabidopsis Clon ing of fad2 Gene Fragments from Ca ragana in te rm edia, Constructing ofAn isence fad2 Expression Vector and Its Genetic Transforma tion in Tobacco