Effect of temperature, moisture and illumination on sporulation by Glomerella cingulata The Prediction of Fundatrigena Emergence Period of Schlechtendalia chinensis and Its Utilization A Review on the Effects of Climate Change on Plant Sexual Reproduction Effects of Population Dentisy on Morphological Characteristics of Epimedium sagittatum in Different Growth Periods Studies on the Asexual Reproduction of? Tschonosk Trillium(Trillium tschonoskii) Establishment of GISH Technique in Citrus Characteristics of asexual spore germination and growth of Ustilaginoidea virens in different media Ontogenetic shifts in sexual dimorphism in head size and food habits of Eremias brenchleyi Comparative study on clonal and sexual reproductive traits of Leymus chinensis populations in different habitats Pathogenic infection of the secondary zoospores of Plasmodiophora brassicae Woron Studies on Sexual Azolla Hybridizatio and It’s Identification Study on Numerical Taxonomy of the Asexual Propagation of Scirpus planiculmis in Songliao Ecological Area Roles of Pectin Methylesterases in Pollen-Tube Growth Sex ratios and rate of sexual reproduction in the epiphytic moss Dolichomitriopsis diversiformis Observation of Antennal Sensilla of Apamea apameoides with a Scanning Electronic Microscope