Physiological and Biochemical Mechanism of Prevention for Cucumber Downy Mildew by High Temperature Treatment Effect of high temperature on jasmonic acid (JA) concentration and antioxidation of Anthurium andraeanum seedling leaf EFFECT OF LOW TEMPERATURE TREATMENT ON GERMINATION OF ACER SACCHARUM SEEDS Effects of Temperature and Light Treatments on PSⅡ Photochemical Activity in‘Roufurong’Tree Peony Leaves Effect of Devernalization on Soluble Protein Component in Winter Wheat Seedling and Subsequent Plant Developmental State The differences in light-demanding germination features of seeds between invasive and noninvasive alien plants within Compositae Construction and analysis of suppression subtractive library of Festuca arundinacea to low temperature stress ELIMINATION OF MLOS FROM PAULOWNIA TISSUE CULTURE BY MEANS OF THERMOTHERAPY COMBINED WITH STEP TIP CULTURE Effect of low temperature on cell synchronization division in suspension culture cells of Pinellia ternata Effects of Low Temperature on Photosynthetic Proteins and Photosynthetic Capacities of Two Species of Spiraea Effects of Low Temperature on Photosynthetic Proteins and Photosynthetic Capacities of Two Species of Spiraea THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PHYSIOLOGICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL CHANGES AND RELEASING DORMANCY OF FRITILLARIA PALLIDIFLORA SCHRENK. DURING LOW TEMPERATURE TREATMENT The effect of growth temperature on the accumulation pattern of protein, oil and starch of soybean seed in seed filling Effects of Temperature and Light Treatments on PSⅡ Photochemical Activity in‘Roufurong’Tree Peony Leaves Stress Treatments and DNA Methylation Affected the Somatic Embryogenesis of Citrus Callus Differences in pigments and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters between stems and leaves of Eupatorium adenophorum under different temperature treatments Seed production of Spartina alterniflora and its response of germination to temperature at Chongming Dongtan, Shanghai Effects of high or low temperature treatment on development, survival, and cold tolerance of cotton leafworm, Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON HEAT AND DROUGHT TOLERANCE BETWEEN SALIX GORDEJEVII AND SALIX BABYLONICA SEM Observations on Flower Bud differentiation of Super Prematurity Cultivated Strawberry

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