Carbon Storage and Budget of Major Chinese Forest Types Study on the Synecological Characteristics of the Early Successional Stage of An Evergreen Broadleaved Forest on Tiantong National Forest Park, Zhejiang Province Tone Series Model of Individual Age and Diameter in Castanopsis kaowarumii population Study on The Species Diversity Of Elaeagnus mollis Community in Shanxi Density-Dependence of Calamagrostis epigejos in Songnen Grassland The Distribution of Fagaceae in China and its Relationship with Climatic and Geographic Characters Effects of Land-use Change on Soil Carbon Storage in Grassland Ecosystems Influence of Fertilization on the Clonal Growth of Bamboo Shoots in Phyllostacachys pubescens The Application of the Ordered Plot Clustering to the Vertical Belt Partitioning of Vegetation of Main Mountains Shanxi The Isolation and Identification of Allelochemicals From Aerial Parts of Tropic Ageratum The Dynamics of Soil Nh4+-N and NO3--N in a Pine Forest of Dinghushan, as Assessed by Ion Exchange Resin Bag Method A Preliminary research on the Carbon Storage and CO2 Release of the Tropical Forest Soils in Jianfengling, Hainan Island, China The Relationship Between the Clonal Growth and the Density of Adult Shoots with Different Leaf Age in Phyllostachys pubescens Mazel A Study on the Characters of content and Distribution of K,Na,Ca,Mg Elements in Alhagi sparsifolia Development of the Expert Systems for Management of Maowusu Sandy Grassland Population Character of Alhagi sparsifolia and Plant Community Succession A Primary Study on the Output and Input of Phosphorus in 14 Crop Fields in the Haihe River Basin, North China A Preliminary Report on the Dynamic of the Herbage Communities in a Youn g Planted Woodland in the Hilly Area of Central Sicchuan The Autumnal Changes of Nutrient Contents and Enzyme Activities in Forage Root and Their Relations to Cold Resistance of Forage Nitrogen Accumulation and Cycling in a Monsoon Evergreen Broad-Leafed Forest ——the Cryptocarya concinna, Lindera chunii Community of Dinghushan Study on the Functional Characteristics of Apple/Crops Intercropping Agroforestry Systems Effect of Fertilization on Sensitivity of Abaxial and Adaxial Stomatal Resistance in Winter Wheat Leaves Under Dryland Conditions Age Structure and Regeneration Characteristics of Pinus densifolia Forest in the Su Cheng Reserve of the Yuntai Mountains in Jiangsu Province Studies on the Ecological Geographic Distribution and Synecological Characteristics of Elaeagnus Mollis Sorub in Shanxi Province Growth Period of Spring-Sowing Wheat on different Locations A Preliminary Study of the Regulation and Competition of the Dominant Plant Populations in Xujiaba Region, Ailao Mts Tunnan A Study on Growth Characteristics of Young Plantations of Some Tree Species of Magnoliaceae A Preliminary Study of Spore-Pollen Society and it’s Development Process to T302 Pole Section,in Liuhe,Jilin A Remote sensing Image Analysis of the Vegetation Structure of the Xilin Gol Steppe in Inner Mongolia On the Distribution Pattern of Weed Communities of Summer Crop Fields in River valley and Hilly Lands of Anhui Province The Ecological Conditions for Nostoc flagelliforme and their Analysis Environment Gradient and Plant Communities in Beihuashan Area, Western Beijing Primary Analyses of Regeneration Communities on the Cutting Blanks of Tropical Mountain Rain Forest on the Jianfengling Ridge’ Hainan Island A Study on Laws of Formation of Biomass and Nutritive Substance for Astragalus adsurgens Pall A Preliminary Analysis of the Ecological Characteristics of Five Rare Precious Species of Magnolia Plants Membrane Lipids and Their Fatty Acid Composition in Nostoc flagelliforme Cells Role of Simulated Acid Rain on Acer negundo and Plant Nitrition Structural Identification of Kudinchagenin I Obtaining a Transgenic Upland Cotton Harboring Two Insecticidal Genes A Preliminary Study on Direct Regeneration of Flower Buds from Peduncle Calli in Dracaena fragrans cv. massangeana Inheritance if Chloroplast and Mitochondrial DNA in Chinese Fir(Cunninghamia lanceolata) Study on Optimization of Transformation of Populus tomentosa RAPD Linkage Mapping in a Populus adenopoda×P. alba F1 Family A Non segregation F2 Population Derived from the Cross of Triploid×Diploid in Rice Isolation of High Molecular Weight DNA from Plant Nuclei Protein Electrophoretic Analysis of Amyloplast and Cytoplasm Ribosomes from Lotus Cotyledon Studies on RubisCO Characteristics During Flag Leaf Aging in Hybrid Wheat and Its Parent Restriction Endonuclease Digestion of Amplification Products Generated by RAPD Technique in a Population of Glycine soja Studies on Root Regeneration from Antherderived Spear of Asparagus officinalis Application of Comet Assay in Plant Protoplast Apoptosis Detection Ultrastructure of the Vegetative Cells of Nostoc flagelliforme Prepared with High Pressure Freezing and Freeze Substitution Technique Spectral Profiles on the Protease Activities in Laminaria,Undaria and Porphyra Phenolics From Ceratostigma minus Structure Elucidation of a New n-Pentyl Fructofuranoside in Dendranthema morifolium(Ramat.) Tzvel. Proton-Conductivity of CF0-CF1 Reconstructed into Planar Lipid Bilayer The Cytoultrastructure of Nostoc flagelliforme Under Cultured Condition Relationship Between Endogenous Ethylene and the Development and Operation of the Alternative Respiratory Pathway in Aged Potato Tuber Slices Construction of Molecular Linkage Map in Masson Pine Using RAPD Markers and Megaga metophytes from a Single Tree Studies on Special Proteins and Polypeptides of Sperm Cell-Rich Fraction in Orychophragmus violaceus Comparitive Study on Characters of Two Divergence Types of the Clone Population Leymus chinensis in the Songnen Plain of China Estimation of Water and Thermal Product Index and Its Application to the Study of Vegetation-Climate Interaction in China Plant Regeneration from Protoplasts of Medicago lupulina Changes of Chlorophyll Metabolism During the Albinic Stage of a Wheat Mutant Isolation and Characterization of NH+4-Excreting Mutants of Enterobacter gergoviae Character of a Nology and Changes of Monsoon Climate Over the Last 10000 Years in Gucheng Lake, Jiangsu Province Plasmalemma Invaginations in Cultured Callus of Stevia rebaudiana: Ultrastructure and Ultracytochemical Localization of Acid Phosphatase Clonal Growth in Plants in Relation to Resource Heterogeneity:Foraging Behavior Studies on Triterpenoids of Astragalus floridus Studies on Selection of Valuable Somaclonal Mutants in Silage Maize Genetic Mapping of Rice Using RFLP Markers and a Double Haploid Population of a Cross Between indica and japonica Varieties Study on Surface Pollen in Middle Inner Mongolia, China Distorted Segregations of RFLP Markers and Their Distribution on Chromosomes in an indica/japonica F2 Population of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) A Preliminary Study on the Use of RFLP Analysis of the PCR Amplified Products in the ystematic Investigation of the Subtribe Astragalinae (Fabaceae) Studies on Endosperm Development and Deposition of Storage Reserves in Coix lacryma-jobi Study on the Activities of Stage Specific Enzyme During Softening of Kiwifruit Light-Induced Damage of Amino Acid Residues and Degradation of Polypeptides in D1/D2/Cytochrome b559 Complex Establishment of Somaclones and Their Chromosomal Variation in Allooctoploid Triticum- Agropyron Hybrids Reprobing into Rice Breeding for High Photosynthetic Efficiency Studies on Transgenic Potato with High Essential Amino Acid Encoding Gene Construction of Rice RAPD Molecular Linkage Map