Effect of Long-term Storage on Ac id Va lue and Perox ideVa lue of O il2tea Camellia Seed O il Study of High Y ield Cultiva tion Technolog ies of O il-TeaCamellia ( Cam e llia ole ife ra ) ———Formula te Fertiliza tion Study of Fruit Growing Specialties and Its Oil Content in Oil-Tea Camellia Effects of Process Methods on Physicochemical Property and Nutrient Content of Tea Oil STUDIES ON THE SCHEME OF GEOGRAPHICAL CLIMATIC REGIONS FOR OIL-TEA CAMELLIA The Technical Tactics and Measures of the Project for Transforming the Low-Yielding Plantation of Oil-Tea Camellia Screening of Metarhizium anisopliae Strain with High Virulence against Larvae of Curculio chinensis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) The relationships between a main pest Clania minuscula Effects of Bacterial Fertilizer on Growth of Young Oil-tea Camellia Aqueous Enzymatic Extraction of Oil-tea Camellia (Camellia oleifera) Seed Oil Studies on the Effects of Fertiliza tion on Growthand Fruiting of O il2tea Camellia Identification of Oil Tea( Camellia ole ife ra ) Super iorClones by ISSRMolecularMarker