Precise Identification of the Introgressed Segments in Powdery Mildew-resistant Introgression Lines of Triticum aestivum-T.timopheevi Evaluation of Restorability of Two Fertility Restorer Genes in the Rice Chromosome Single Segment Substitution Lines (SSSLs) In vitro cultivation of nodal segments of the cork tree (Quercus variabilis) Response of Photosynthesis and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters of Schima superba Resprouts Following the Ice and Snow Storm Tissue Culture of Stem Segments and Plantlet Regenation of Liquidambar styraciflua Expert System Applied for TM Image Classification
Analysis of Introgressed Segments in Near-Isogenic Lines Carrying Soybean Maturity Genes
Environmental Influences on RVA Properties of Starches From Rice With Different Wx Genotypes Preliminary Analysis on the Genetic Diversity of Myriophyllum spicatum from China Plant Regeneration from Corm Segments and Evaluations on Physiological and Photosynthetic Characteristics in Plantlets of Red Bud Taro Study on Cutting Propagation of Robinia pseudoacacia Clones Effect of Fast Neutron Radiation on the Proliferation and Differentiation of Protocorm-like Bodies and Seedlings Stem Segments of Phalaenopsis Effects of nitrogen concentration in water on the germination and growth of Myriophyllum spicatum and Ceratophyllum demersum fragments Development of a Series of Single Segment Substitution Lines in Indica Background of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Tissue culture of Dioscorea opposita “foshou” Calli induction from in vitro culture of tender stem segments in Ginkgo biloba and study on its cytology

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