RADIO-LABELING OF POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL MODIFICATION OF RECOMBINANT HUMAN INTERLEUKIN-6 MUTAGENTIC EFFECTS OF AEROSPACE ON Poa pratensis L.Ⅱ——PHOTOSYNTHESIS CHARACTERS AND CHLOROPHYLL CONTENTS THE CHLOROPLAST DNA VARIATION OF Iris lactea FROM DIFFERENT RESOURCES Effects of nitrogen fertilization on gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of leaf during the flowering and boll-forming stage of cotton under short-term waterlogging Nitrogen rate and timing considerations on yield and physiological parameters of corn canopy Growth inhibition and action target of photo-activation induced by synthetic polyacetylenes against Echinochloa crusgalli Assay of the gross content of oxygen radical in calli of barnyard grass induced by two photosensitive compounds under ultraviolet irradiation by ESR RESISTANCE INDEX SYSTEM OF MAIZE TO DWARF MOSAIC VIRUS ON THE BIOLOGY AND CHEMICAL CONTROL OF ASIATIC APPLE LEAFMBSER A METHODOLOGICAL RESEARCH ON RESIDUAL CHLORSULFURON OF MAIZE RADICLE LENGTH BY SOIL BIOASSAY FACTORS INFLUENCING GERMINATION OF CHLAMYDOSPORES OF RICE KERNEL SMUT THE CAPACITY OF GERMINATION AND INFECTION OF OVERWINTERED CHLAMYDOSPORES OF USTILAGINOIDEA VIRENS (COOKE) TAK. The Result and Operation of Casing Aphid Bags on the Tree Branch Studies on the Photosynthesis of Some Species of Camellia Studies on Control Measures of Die-back of Pines Effects of Calcium Chloride and Magnesium Sulphate on the Propagation in Vitro of Chinese Fir Role of Brassinosteroids in the Regulation of Photosynthetic Apparatus in Cucumber Leaves Effects of Low Night Temperature on Photosynthesis of Tomato Seedlings Role of Brassinosteroids in the Regulation of Photosynthetic Apparatus in Cucumber Leaves Effects of Low Night Temperature on Photosynthesis of Tomato Seedlings Study on Differences of Photosynthetic Characteristics in Diploid and Tetraploid of Non-heading Chinese Cabbage Research Progress in Chloroplast Proteome Characteristics of Photosynthesis and Thermal Dissipation in Mentha haplocalyx Qinghai Chloroplast Localization of the Expressed Protein Encoded by At3g61870 in Arabidopsis thaliana Growth Characters and Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Goldenrod (Solidago canadensis) in Different Light Intensities Physiological Responses of Different Tolerance Spinach to Seawater Stress Study on Leaf Photosynthesis and Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Transgenic Tobacco Over-producing 5-Aminolevulinic Acid (ALA) Protection of 5-Aminolevulinic Acid (ALA) on High Light Photoinhibition of Watermelon Grown under Shade Condition Cloning and Analysis of the Chloroplast Signal Recognition Particle 54 Gene from Wheat Correlation between Summer Maize Spectral Reflectance and Leaf Chlorophyll, LAI under Different Fertilizations Morphological Research on Chloroplast of Tobacco Trichome during Development Effect of Low Temperature in Foggy and Cool Season on Photosynthesis and Activities of Antioxidant Enzymes in Three Tropical Species Chlorophyll Contents and Chloroplast Microstructure and Ultrastructure of Leaves in Yellow-Green Mutant of Chrysanthemum Effects of NaCl and Drought Stress on Quality and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters of Kentucky Bluegrass Characteristics of Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters in Three Desert Plants under NaCl Stress Phylogenetic Position and Genetic Relationship of Osmunda mildei(Osmundaceae):Evidence from rbcL Gene and trnL-trnF Region Photosynthetic Physiological Characteristics and Ultrastructure of Salvinia natans Leaves under Cr6+ Stress Effects of Low Temperature on Photosynthetic and Fluorescent Parameters of Non-heading Chinese Cabbage The Prediction of Fundatrigena Emergence Period of Schlechtendalia chinensis and Its Utilization Effect of Low Temperature Stress on the Membrane-lipid Peroxidation and the Concentration of Free Proline in Camptotheca acuminata Seedling