The systematic relationship of the tribe Magnolieae and Michelieae --based on matK sequence analysis Exogenous betaine improves photosynthesis of Lycium barbarum under salt stress Chlorophyll breakdown in senescent leaves The effect of blanching and drying methods on chemical compositions in leafy vegetables Effects of Mepiquat Chloride on lateral roots initiation of cotton seedling and its mechanism The effects of water-retaining agent on chlorophyll a fluore- scence parameters of Robinia pseudoacacia under drought stress Change in chlorophyll-protein complexes of hybrid wheat in different developmental periods The study of ultrastructure of chloroplast on Arenaria tapanchanensis and Chrysosplenium nudicaule in alpine plant Effect of Fe-EDDHA on correcting iron chlorosis and leaf elemental composition in Qinmei kiwifruit orchards Application of Portable Meter for Measuring Leaf Nitrogen and Chlorophyll Content in the Process of Leaf Autumn Senescence EFFECT OF EXOGENOUS MELATONIN ON PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND CHLOROPHYLL
THE DIURNAL VARIATION OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS OF A XANTHA MUTANT IN RICE(Oryza sativa L.) CHLORAMPHENICOL DEGRADATION IN SHRIMP BY ELECTRONIC BEAM IRRADIATION STUDY OF THE POLYCLONAL ANTIBODY AGAINST CHLORAMPHENICOL ISOZYME ANALYSIS OF MAIZE( Zea mays L.)INBRED LINES AND A F_2 SEGREGATION POPULATION DURING ANTHER CULTURE PROCEDURE STUDY ON THE RELEASE OF 14 C CHLORSULFURON BOUND RESIDUES ABSORPTION, DISTRIBUTION,DYNAMICS OF~ (14) C CHLORPYRIFOS IN SEVERAL KINDS OF ANIMALS AND PLANTS IN FRESH WATER ECOSYSTEM Effects of four fumigants on dissolved soil nitrogen transformation and microbial biomass Monitoring grain starch accumulation in winter wheat via spectral remote sensing Kinetics of chlorpyrifos degradation by Bacillus cereus strains Effects of Cd2+stress on radish (Raphanus sativus) seedling growth based on proteome technique Seedling physiological characteristics of genetically modified maize variety with dwarf mosaic virus resistant genes and its parent Effects of different light intensities on Strobilanthes cusia photosynthetic characteristics in Fujian Province Marginal effect of soybean and peanut intercropped withmaize in upland red soils Biodegradation characteristics of chlorpyrifos by sodium alginate immobilized bacteria DISCUSSION ON THE VALIDITY OF EUTHRYPTOCHLOA COPE(GRAMINEAE) AS GENUS BY LEAF EPIDERMIS Relationships between Environmental Factors and Chlorophyll, Proline Cumulation in Desert Plant Reaumuria soongorica Leaf Senescence of Different Mung Bean Varieties during Their Late Growth Effects of Nitrogen Levels on Growth and Content of Endogenous Hormones of Cigar Wrapper Leaves Expression of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Hem1 Recombined with Arabidopsis thaliana hemA1 Promoter in Transgenie Tobacco Effects of Nocturnal Low Temperature on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Eucalyptus urophylla and E. dunnii Photosynthetic Properties of Transgenic Wheat with Leaf Senescence-inhibition Gene PSAG12-IPT The Preliminary Research on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Apocynum venetum under Different Shading Effects on Strawberry Photosynthesis and Relations to Anti-oxidant Enzymes of ALA Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Robinia pseudoacacia Effects of Sea Water at Different Concentrations on the Photosynthesis and Chlorophyll-Fluorescence Properties of Oil Sunflower Seedlings Effects of Root Excision on Fluorescent Properties and Yield of Winter Wheat Effects of Drought Stress on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters in Seedlings of Terminthia paniculata Grown under Different Light level Nariclasine Effects on Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters and Thylakoid-membrane Protein Complexes in In vitro Virescent Cotyledons of Radish Effects of Exogenous Polyamines on Chloroplast-bound Polymine Content and Photosynthesis of Corn Suffering Salt Stress Zn2+ and Cr6+ Synergetic Toxic Effects on Ottelia alismoides Comparative Study of Photosynthetic and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Characteristics of Populus euphratica and P. pruinosa Palynology of Apios Fabr. And Cochlianthus Benth. (Fabaceae s. l. ) Optimal Light Intensity for Dwarf Ophiopogon japonicus from Japan Synechococcus and Prochlorococcus growth and mortality rates in the northern China Sea: range of variations and correlation with environmental factors Effects of shades on the photosynthetic characteristics and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of Urtica dioica Advances in anaerobic degradation of polychlorinated organic compounds (PCOCs) in soils and sediments Responses of growth and chlorophyll florescence of Emmenopterys henryi seedlings to different light intensities Chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics of photosystem Ⅱ of two cultivated poplars seedlings Physiological reaction of wheat seedling to 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene stress STUDIES ON MORPHOLOGY AND EMBRYOLOGY OF ACANTHOCHLAMYS BRACTEATA Ⅱ. THE ANTHER AND OVULE DEVELOPMENT THE COMPARATION OF THE HETEROMORPHOSIC ANTHERS OF CHLORANTHUS HENRYI (CHLORANTHACEAE) AND ITS PHYLOGENETIC MEANINGS STUDY ON THE CONTENT OF CHLOROGENIC ACID FROM AMBROSIA ARTEMISIIFOLIA L. BY HPLC Changes of Chloroplast Light-energy Conversion Characteristics on Leaves of Gingko Comparison of Leaf Gas Exchange and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters in Three Species of Aesculus Linn. Changes in Photosynthesis and Uultrastructure of Chloroplasts During Leaf Senescence of Ginkgo Response of Photosynthetic Capacity and Chlorophyll Fluorescence in Quercus mongolica and Tilia amurensis Seedlings after Light Intensity Transfe Soil Amelioration of Saline-alkali Lands Influences on the Pigments and C4-Photosynthesis Related Enzymes in Leaf, Bark and Branch Chlorenchyma of Yinzhong Poplar Chlorophyll Fluorescence Characteristics in Response to Seasonal Variations in Two Sabina Trees Cloning and Expression Analysis of Cyclophilins A(CyPA) Gene form Chlorella Characteristics of Chlorophyll Fluorescent Parameters and Daily Dynamics of Photosynthesis in Female and Male Populus cathayana Cutting Seedlings Effects of Fertilization on Plant Growth,Leaves Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters and Fruit Quality of Blueberry Diurnal Changes of Chlorophyll Fluorescence Characteristics of Japanese Yew Seedlings under Different Light Conditions Molecular identification of Tomato chlorosis virus on eggplants in Beijing Study on photosythetic characteristics of main constructive plants Cynanchum komarovii in Maowusu sandland Mechanism of iron uptake and utilization by plant On endangered mechanism of Euonymus chloranthoides,an endemic to China Comparative study on polypeptides of mitochondria and chloroplast between the male cytoplasmic sterile line and its maintainer line in tuber mustard (Brassica juncea Coss.var.tumida) Effects of plant hormones,IBA and 6-BA,on flask fedbatch heterotrophic culture and constituents of Chlorella vulgaris Effects of Peganum harmala Extract on the Growth and Antioxidase Activity of Wheat Seedlings Study on Daily Changes of Photosynthesis in Cynanchum bungei Effect of Calcium on Growth and Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Cucumber Seedlings under Hypoxia Effect of Nitrogen on Nitrogen Vertical Distribution and Chlorophyll Relative Value of Winter Wheat Canopy in Sub-humid Areas Molecular Identification on Mixed Infection of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus and Tomato chlorosis virus on Tomato in Jiangsu Province Effects of Grafting on the Fast Chlorophyll Fluorescence Induction Dynamics of Pepper Seedlings Under Temperature Stress Effects of High Temperatures on Leaf Structures and Physiological Metabolism of North Highbush Blueberry Effects of KClO3 on Hormones Within Leaves and Apical Buds During Floral Induction Phase in Longan Effect of Different LED Light Qualities on Bt Toxic Protein Content and Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Transgenic Poplar Leaves