STUDIES ON THE APPLICATIONS OF SOME ENTOMOPATHOGENIC NEMATODES AGAINST LICHI YPONOMEUTID COMORITIS ALB1CAPILLA MORIUTI Biological control of seedling damping-off of cucumber MASS APPLICATION OF ENTOMOGENOUS NEMATODE AGAINST LICHI STEM BORER THE APPLICATION OF CODLING MOTH NEMATODE AGAINST THE LARVAE OF LICHI LONGICORN BEETLE Inhibitive effects on Microcystis aeruginosa by Artemisia lavandulaefoli and its three organic solvents extracts Isolation,Screening and Identification of Bacteria Antagonistic to Cercospora chinensis Isolation, identification of BM-24 strains and its antifungal activity of antagonistic bacteria against Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.cubense Biological characteristics and frost-inciting mechanisms of ice nucleation active (INA) bacteria and the research in frost control Isolation, screening and identification of the endogenous microorganisms antagonizing poplar canker Isolation of endophytic fungi from apple bark and their potential for biological control of Valsa ceratosperma Isolation and Identification of Bio-control Microorganisms in Soil to Poplar Canker Bio-control effect of trichoderma SPP. and its application Study on the strategy of biological control of Eupatorium adenophorum by using Procecidochares utilis Advances in Biocontrol to the Postharvest Diseases of Mango & Banana Effect of agrochemicals and bio-control productions on soil nematode community dynamics

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