Embryology of a Tibetan Medicine Halenia elliptica Chromatographic fingerprint study on Halenia ellipitica of Tibet herb Change of Anti-hepatitis Active Substance during Different Growth Period in Cultivated Halenia ellipitica Determination of Active Priniple of Yiganning Tablet by 2nd Derivative Spectroscopy Determination Compounds of Antihepatitis-haleniaside in Tibet Herb of Halenia ellipitica D. Don Influence of several medicaments on seed germination of Halenia elliptica Chemical constituents of Halenia elliptica Identification of new chemical constituents of Tibetan medicinal herb Halenia elliptica Introduction and Cultivation of Halenia ellipitica(Gentianaceae) A STUDY ON ANATOMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF LEAVES AND STEMS OF FIVE ALPINE PLANTS USED FOR TIBETAN MEDICINE IN QINGHAI-TIBETAN PLATEAU Determination of xanthones in Tibetan herb Jiadiranguo Xanthone glycosides from Tibetan herb Halenia elliptica SEM STUDIES AND THE TAXONOMICAL SIGNIFICANCE ON THE PETALS OF MEDICINAL PLANTS OF SWERTIA AND HALENIA Three New Glycosides from Halenia clliptica