Health Efficacy, Biosynthesis of Soybean Isoflavones and Germplasm Discovery, Genetics and Breeding Research progress on alfalfa salt tolerance Progress on the Breeding of Energy Plants Comprising the “Saccharum Complex” Advances in Waterlogging-resistance of Woody Plants Relative lmportance of GCA and SCA in Genstic Breeding of Chinese fir New Advances of the Apricot Resources Evaluation, Germplasm Enhancement and Utilization Inter-simple sequence repeat and its application in medicinal plant genetic breeding Primary discussion on the genetic breeding of fine sand-fixed shrubs New Advances of the Apricot Resources Evaluation, Germplasm Enhancement and Utilization DNA MOLECULAR MARKER TECHNIQUES AND THEIR APPLICATION IN WHEAT BREEDING AND GENETIC STUDY PROCESS IN IONS IRRADLATION MUTAGENETIC BREEDING Advance of the ApplicationofSSRMolecularMarkersinTobaccoResearch