THE EFFECT ON ASCORBIC ACID PEROXIDASE ACTIVATION AND GSH CONTENT OF CROP SEEDLING BY SPECIFIED ELECTROWAGNETIC WAVE Study of transpiration and water consumption of triploid Populus tomentosa at individual tree and stand scales by using thermal dissipation technology Impacts of water stored in sapwood Populus bolleana on its sap flux Performance Analysis for the Domestic TDP Sensor forM easuring Sap Flow in Trees Stem Sap Flow Characteristics of Acacia auriculaeformis in Dry-hot Valley and Their Relations to Meteorological Factors Difference of Sap Flow Rate of Populus bolleana Lauche along Trunk Axial Direction Transpira tion Var ia tion of the Poplar Shelterbelts and Its Rela tion to theMeteorolog ica l Factors in the Cropland of North China Plain A Trial of Utilizing TDP in Cultivating Gastrodia elata Bl. Rule of apple trees transpiration and its relation to the micrometeorology on the canopy Effect of Specific Electromagnetic Wave on Certain Physiological-biochemical Characteristics of the Seed and Germinating Seed of Various Field and Vegetable Crops Sap Flow Dynamics of Dominant Trees of Quercus liaotungensis Forest in the Semiarid Loess Plateau Region Application of the Thermal Dissipation Probe Technique in Studying the Sap Flow in Taproot of Caragana korshinskii Variation in Transpiration of Populus bolleana and the Influence Factors in Maowusu Sandy Area Nocturnal sap flow of four urban greening tree species in Dalian, Liaoning Province, China Applying the Heat Dissipation Technique to Study the Sap Flow of Pinus elliottii in the Red Earth Area of Subtropical China The sapflow dynamics of Platycladus orientali in the semi\|arid Loess Plateau region Transpiration of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica and its response to urban environmental factors in semi-arid area Dynamics of Sap Flow of Pinus elliottii and Its Relevant Factors in Rapid Growth Season at Qianyanzhou Experimental Station of Jiangxi Province Sap Flow Dynamics in the Leaf Flushing Period of a Robinia pseudoacacia Plantation in Semi Arid Region of Loess Plateau

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