Dynamics of Aboveground Parts of Artificial Vegetations in Desert Region The dynamics of different growth form ground vegetation following a natural disturbance Soil seed bank and its correlations with aboveground vegetation in ecological restoration zones of Wenchuan Earthquake Region Seasonal Dynamics of Species Composition of Community and Soil Seed Bank Invaded by Oenothera laciniata Hill in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Soil seed bank and aboveground vegetation in Jinshajing Hot-Dry River Valley Hillslope vegetation restoration sity Differences in ground vegetation and soil characteristics in adjacent birch and spruce stands of southern Sweden Relationship between Aboveground Vegetation and Soil Seed Banks from Different Communities of Initial Restoration Stage in Lanping Lead/Zinc Mining Area A comparison of the soil seed bank in an enclosed vs. a degraded alpine meadow in the eastern Tibetan Plateau Ground vegetation as indicators of topsoil chemical properties in Dongguan, South China Soil seed bank and natural regeneration potential of shrubland in dry valleys of Minjiang River Impact of different use patterns and degrees of grassland use on vegetation carbon storage in the Aba grassland pastoral area Variations of ground vegetation and soil properties during the growth process of artificial sandfixing Caragana intermedia plantations in desert steppe. Characteristics of soil seed banks and their relationships with aboveground vegetation in ditches in the Sanjiang Plain Seasonal changes of ground vegetation characteristics under artificial Caragana intermedia plantations with age in desert steppe Comparative Study on Underground Vegetation Develop of Different Generation Plantations of Chinese Fir A review of similarity between soil seed bank and aboveground vegetation in wetlands