Optimizing the external energy input into farmland ecosystems of Deqing County, Zhejiang Province Hybrid life-cycle analysis and its applications in sustainable consumption researches CO2 emissions transfer embedded in inter-regional trade in China China water footprint trend analysis based on input-output tables Progress on water resources input-output analysis Material flow analysis (MFA) of an eco-economic system: a case study of Wujin District, Changzhou Applying input-output analysis method for calculation of water footprint and virtual water trade in Gansu Province Energy flow of agro-fruit ecosystem in the Loess Plateau of Shaanxi Province Spatial features of input-output of mountainous farmland system aided by GIS—A case study from Wugou Village,Henan Province The input-output features of farmland eco-economic system—A case study from Wugou Village,Gongyi City, Henan Province The adjustive strategy of agricultural structure in mountain watershed—A case study from Shiwanxi watershed in Kai County, Chongqing City Cadmium distribution and cycling in forest-rice agroforestry systems in Northern Hunan The method of measuring energy flowφandρin ecological networks by input- output flow analysis Linkage analysis of water use among industrial sectors in the middle reaches of the Heihe River Basin, China Adjustment for regional ecological footprint based on input-output technique:a case study of Jiangsu Province in 2002 Effects of Different Nitrogen Topdressing Methods on Correlated Character and Yield of Maize in Cold Zone Impacts of forest eco-benefit tax on industry price levels in Shaanxi Province, China Regional Water Resource Compensation Mechanism for Forest Water Conservation Benefit——A Case of Daqing Region Operating Efficiency of Forestry Specialized Cooperatives The carbon emissions embodied in Chinese household consumption by the driving factors An input-output analysis on chongqing ecological-economic system based on the ascendancy theory

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