Effects of light and temperature on seed germination of Picea asperata and Betula albo-sinensis Dynamics of litters in artificial restoration process of subalpine coniferous forest Dynamics of species diversity in artificial restoration process of subalpine coniferous forest Dynamics of biomass and stem volume of Picea asperata stands in artificial restoration process of subalpine coniferous forest Species Diversity Changes in Subalpine Coniferous Forests of Different Restoration Stages and Their Effects on Soil Properties Seed rain, soil seed bank and seedling regeneration in a 65-year Picea asperata plantation in subalpine coniferous, western Sichuan, China Response of clonal plasticity of Fargesia nitida to different canopy conditions of subalpine coniferous forest Changes of soil fertility quality properties under subalpine spruce plantation in Western Sichuan Effects of simulated exudate C:N stoichiometry on dynamics of carbon and microbial community composition in a subalpine coniferous forest of western Sichuan, China Dynamics of Forest Gaps in Subalpine Coniferous Forests on the Eastern Slope of Gongga Mountain Earlier-Stage Succession of Vegetation on the Clear-Cuts in Mialou Forest District in Western Sichuan WARMING EFFECTS ON GROWTH AND PHYSIOLOGY OF SEEDLINGS OF BETULA ALBO-SINENSIS AND ABIES FAXONIANA UNDER TWO CONTRASTING LIGHT CONDITIONS IN SUBALPINE CONIFEROUS FOREST OF WESTERN SICHUAN, CHINA