BARKED REGENERATION MECHANISM OF Phellodendron chinense var.glabriusculum SCHNEID BY USING ~(14)C-TRACER METHOD Genetic Parameters of the Characters of the Provenance Seedling of Phellodendron chinense from Hunan Province and the Efficiency of Correlative Selection Using Those Parameters Water-soluble chemical constituents from fruits of Phellodendron chinense var. glabriusculum Water-soluble chemical constituents from fruits of Phellodendron chinense var. glabriusculum Study on extracting purified active components of Picria fel-terrae , Scutellaria baicalens is andPhellodendron chinense with macroporous resins Testing the Seed Vigor of Phellodendron chinense by Xc-method The Variabilities of the Provenance Seedling Character of Phellodendron chinense from Hunan Province Determination of Berberine in Phellodendron chinense Schneidand Its Processed Products by TLC Densitometry Amides from the Fruits of Phellodendron chinense Research on allelopathic effects of phellamurine Accumulation of main alkaloids composition in growth process of different parts of Phellodendron chinense Studies on polyploid induction of Phellodendron chinense Hairy roots inducfion of Phellodendron chinense and production of its active constituents Studies on biopharmacy of ultra-fine particles of Atractylodes lancea, Phellodendron chinense and a pill composed of the two drugs Ⅰ. Characterization by scanning electron microscopy A New triterpenoid in the fruits of Phellodendron chinense Schneid

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