Comparison on active ingredients in spray and decompression drying extracts of Jiuxiang Zhixie Prescription Quantitative Analysis of 6,7-Dimethylesculetin and Capillarisine in Artemisia capillaris Thunb.and Prescriptions Containing the Crude Drug Chemical constituents from Cardamine leucantha Chemical constituents from leaves of Perilla frutescens Simultaneous determination of chlorogenic acid, aesculetin, isochlorogenic acid B, and isochlorogenic acid A in Cichorii Herba by QAMS Determination of Esculetin in Semen Euphorbiae lathyridis L. by TLCS and Comparison on the Quality in Different Areas Chemical constituents in ethyl acetate extract from aerial part of Gynura divaricata Studies on constitutes from Taraxacum mongolicum Progress in study of pharmacological effect of Cortex Fraxini Chemical constituents from Viola diamantiaca Flocculationeffect ofchitosanflocculant on water-extraction solution of Xiaoyan Tuire Granules Oral Liquid Comparative studies in content of major active compositions in differentparts of Cichorium glandulosum Chemical constituents of Carthamus tinctorius Chemical constituents in fruits of Lycium barbarum Purification process of total coumarin from Fraxini Cortex by macroporous resin Chemical constituents from Lepidogrammitis drymoglossoides Determination of aesculetin, caffeic acid, and rosmarinic acid in Niaoganning Granula by RP-HPLC Determination of aesculetin, caffeic acid, and rosmarinic acid in Niaoganning Granula by RP-HPLC Study on chemical constituents from Potentilla supina Study on chemical constituents from Potentilla supina