Analysis of the volatile components of YL2000 decoction by GC-MS Comparative studies on photosynthetic characteristics of Notopterygium incisum and N. forbesii ITS sequences variation and phylogenetic analysis on 31 geographical populations of Notopterygium incisum Studies on habitats suitability of endangered medicinal plant
 Notopterygium incisum
Determination of Content of Nodakenin in Notopterygium incisum Ting from Different Source by HPLC Environmental pedology of Notopterygium incisum and N. forbesii O-Methylnotopterol, a new natural product from the roots and rhizomes of Notopterygium incisum Polymorphism analysis of endangered Notopterygium incisum and endemic species based on cpDNA trnT-trnL sequences Characteristic of Molecular Evolution of Notopterygium incisum Based on nrDNAITS and cpDNA rpl20-rps12 Sequence Analysis Study on suitable distribution areas of Notopterygium incisum in Sichuan province based on remote sensing and GIS Studies on seeds germination and seedlings growth of Notopterygium incisum Studies on chemical constituents in roots and rhizomes of Notopterygium incisum Cultural regionalization for Notopterygium incisum based on 3S technology platform I. Evaluation for growth suitability for N.incisum based on ecological factors analysis by Maxent and ArcGIS model Studices on the ChCmical Constituents of Notopterygium incisum Ting Chemical constituents from Notopterygium incisum Disease survey and pathogen identification on Notopterygium incisum in Gansu province Studies on the Chemical Constituents of Notopterygium incisum Ting RAPD Analysis of genetic diversity of Notopterygium incisum in Sichuan

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