The Structure and Antifungal Functions of Vegetative Propagation Corm of Gastrodia elata Cytological Studies on the Process of Armillaria Mellea Infection Through the Sclerotia of Grifola Umbellata Nutrient Source of Sclerotia of Grifola umbellata and Its Relationship to Armillaria mellea Studies on ike Inhibition of Seed Germination of Gastrodia elata Bl. by Armillaria mellea Qul An Optimized Isolation and Purification Method for Armillaria mellea Complexes The Relation Between Growth of Gastrodia elata Protocorms and Fungi Studies on the Character istic of the Structures in the Cortical Cells of Gastrodia clara after Infection of Armillaria mellea DNA Extraction from Rhizomorph of Armillaria mellea Cultured by Solid Agar Medium Studies of Reproduction of Gastrodia elata Bl. by Branchlet-Leaf Fungal Bed Method Studies on rejuvenation of Armillaria mellea RESPONSE OF CELLS IN DIFFERENT REGIONS OF Gastrodia elata To INFECTION OF Armillaria mellea A Cytological Study on the NutrientUptake Mechanism of a Saprophytic Orchid Gastrodia elata tudies on influences of Armillaria mellea strains from different sources on yield of Gastrodia elata Studies on Polysaccharides in Different Development Stages of Armillaria mellea (Vahl.: Fr.) Quel. Role of Lysosomal Vesicles in the Digestive Process of Armillaria mellea by the Large Cells of Gastrodia elata Research progress in chemical constituents and biological activities of Armillaria mellea Effect of Armillaria mellea Elicitor on Accumulation of Tanshinones in Crown Gall Cultures of Salvia miltiorrhiza Chemical constituents from fungus Armillaria mellea Protective effect of Armillaria mellea polysaccharide on mice bone marrow cell damage caused by Cyclophosphamide Anti-aging mechanism of polysaccharide from rhizomorph of Armillaria mellea in Caenorhabditis elegans

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