Isolation and Sequence Analysis of TaPSG719 Gene Promoter from Wheat(Triticum aestivum L.) Construction and Analysis of an Interspecific Linkage Map of Capsicum annuum × C. frutescens Identification of Root-specific Genes with Subtractive Suppression Hybridization from Poncirus trifoliate Construction and Analysis of an Interspecific Linkage Map of Capsicum annuum × C. frutescens Preliminary Study on Introducing of Leaf Senescence-Delaying Gene PPF1 into Rice Type and Function of Root-specific Promoters Development of a DNA Microarray for Detection of 11 Food-borne Pathogens Comparison between ISSR and RAPD markers in genetic diversity of plants in Lycoris Herb SCREENING OF ROOT HAIR SPECIFIC GENES BASED ON RHE ELEMENT AND
TRANSCRIPTOME IN Arabidopsis thaliana
In tra-sp ecific G enetic R ela tionsh ip am ong 20 Cu ltiva rs fromCamellia japon ica Ba sed on ISSR M olecu lar M arkers Identification of Root-specific Genes with Subtractive Suppression Hybridization from Poncirus trifoliate Enhancement of innate immune system in monocot rice by transferring the dicotyledonous elongation factor Tu receptor EFR Research aflvanee in the molecular biology of cytoplasmic male sterility in plants Studies on Male Sterile Indica Rice Induced by a Pollen Specific Ribonuclease Gene and Its Inheritance