Soil salinizationcontrol and sustainable agriculture in north-west endoland region of China Chemical constituents in roots of Pandanus tectorius Cryopreservation of Dunaliella salina and Platymonas helgolandica var. tsingtaoensis Chemical constituents in roots of Pandanus tectorius Comparison and Analysis of Four Methods Used in Measuring the Plant Water Potential Oxygen-limited autotrophic nitrification and denitrification—A novel technology for biological nitrogen removal Over 30 - Year Changes of Floristic Composition and Population Effect of Acorus gramineus and its active component α-asarone on apoptosis of hippocampal neurons in epileptic young rats Effect of Acorus gramineus and its active component Gt-asarone on behavior and memory function of epileptic young rats Advances in research of chemical const ituents and pharmacologicalactivites of semi-mangrove medicinal plant Thespesia populnea Effect of Acorus gramimeus and its active component α-asarone on N-methyl-D-asperate receptor 1 of hippocamp neurons in epileptic young rats