Protection and Development of Agro-biotechnology Intellectual Property Rights Essential procedure and key methods for survey of traditional knowledge related to Chinese materia medica resources Exploration of strategies on patent licensing and Chinese materia medica internationalization Farmer Forestry Total Factor Productivity Changes after the Collective Forestry Property Rights System Reform——Based on Households Surveys in Fujian Province Analysis on European patents of traditional Chinese medicine in recent 20 years Reform of environmental policy in China Assessment of Impact of Collective Forest Property Rights System Reform on Fiscal Revenue of Counties and Townships in Forest Regions:A Case Study in Ganzhou Administrate Region in Jiangxi Province Reasonableness of Farmers Transfer Benefits in the Reform of Collective Forest Property Rights System: Study on Forest Property Rights System Reform in Collective Forest Area of South China Equalization in the Usufruct of Forestland:A Reality Choice forthe Collective Forest Tenure Reform Theorical and Empirical Research of Performance Evaluation for the Policy of Collective Forestry Property Rights System Reform MARKET FAILURES AND COUNTERMEASURES IN THE ALLOCATION OF RESOURCES IN FOREST ECOSYSTEM