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Analysis of Germplasm of Flue-cured Tobacco by RAPD

Based on 30 primers selected from 156 random primers, RAPD polymorphism of 31 flue-cured tobacco cultivars from native and abroad, and their relationships were detected. of 246 bands amplified, 127 were polymorphic (52%). The results showed that there were obvious differentiation between different cultivars. Cluster analysis indicated that all of the cultivars could be grouped into four clades, and the largest one (including 19 cultivars) was most likely to originate from Orinoco cultivar which was introduced from USA. This implied that the genetic basis of popularized flue-cured tobacco cultivars in China is rather narrow. In addition, it is feasible to identify the flue-cured tobacco cultivars and their purity with the RAPD technique. The study is also valuable in the choice of parents for the development of the flue-cured tobacco cultivars from hybrids.

何川生1,2 何兴金3  葛颂4  李天飞2  许凌云1 许美玲2 许介眉1

(1.  四川大学生命科学学院,成都610064;2. 中国烟草育种研究南方中心,玉溪653100;3. 四川师范学院生物系,南充637002;4. 中国科学院植物研究所系统与进化植物学开放研究实验室,北京100093)

摘要:从156个随机引物中筛选出30个引物,对来自国内外的31个烤烟品种进行了遗传多样性和亲缘关系的RAPD分析.在检测的246个位点中,127个位点为多态位点(52%).聚类分析表明, 不同烤烟品种之间存在明显差异,31个品种基本上可分为4大类,品种最多的第一大类(19 个)主要由来自美国的Orinoco烤烟选育而成,反映了我国现在推广的烤烟品种遗传基础比较狭窄.研究结果表明,RAPD技术可用于烤烟品种的鉴别和纯度测定.研究为烤烟杂种育种中亲本的选配提供了一定的理论依据.

关键词: 烤烟;品种资源;RAPD分析

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