The Plant Germplasm Database and Platform of QinghaiTibet Plateau Synopsis of Technical Standards for Collecting Seeds from Wild Plants Assessment of the salt tolerant ability on 60 asparagus bean (Vigna unguiculata (L.) ssp. sesquipedalis Verdc.) cultivars Study on distribution and botany characteristics of Pueraria lobata (Willd) Ohwi in Shanxi Evaluation and Grading of stipule length in Peach Germplasm Resources Breeding achievement analysis of novel wheat-Agropyron cristatum germplasm sister lines Pubing2011 Advance in Application of SCoT molecular Markers in plants Breeding and Rebirth Technical Specification Utilization and Conservation on Crop Germplasm Resource of Minority Nationality in Guizhou Province The morphological diversity and correlation research of Gu Jing wild tea plant from Guizhou Analysis on Genetic Diversity of Barbarea Vulgaris Germplasm Resources Based on Phenotypic Traits User model research of national crop germplasm resources infrastructure based on ontology Characteristics and Geographical Distribution of Yunnan Crops Resources Genetic Diversity Analysis of Medicago ruthenica by ISSRs in China Genetic Diversity Evaluation of Cassava and Primary Screening of High-yielding Germplasm Genetic diversity analysis on sweet sorghum germplasm resources of different origins based on agronomical traits Genetic diversity analysis of sweet sorghum germplasm resources from different origins using agronomical traits Genetic diversity analysis of sweet sorghum germplasm resources from different origins using agronomical traits Phenotypic Variation of Stem Form and Branching Structure from Hevea brasiliensis Germplasm Resources in Yunnan Province Genetic Diversity Analysis of Persimmons (Diospyros kaki L) Germplasm Resources in Zhejiang Province using RAPD Diversity Analysis by Seed Traits and ISSR marker of Xanthium sibiricum Patrin Germplasm in Shandong Province Screening and Evaluation for High Anthocyanin Content And Antioxidant Activity of Fruit Mulberry Germplasm Resources Inheritance of Blast Resistance in New Germplasm Kangfeng A from Indica-Japonica Crosses Screening of transgenic wheat germplasm resistant to crown rot Analysis on the Internal Transcribed Spacers (ITS) Sequences and Phylogenetics of Chieh-qua and its affinis Cucurbitaceae Germplasms Resources Biochemical Diversity Analysis of Wild Tea Germplasms in Guizhou Investigationand Cluster Analysis of Main Morphological and Economical Characters for Oiltea Resource in Hainan Research Progress in Genetic Evaluation of Populus L. Germplasm Resources Advances in Research into Genetic Resources, Breeding and Genetics of Adzuki Bean (Vigna angularis) Genetic Diversity of Wheat Germplasm Resources from Far East Russia and Heilongjiang Province Research Advances and Perspectives on Rubber-producing Taraxacum Phenotypic diversity in populations of germplasm resources of Rodgersia sambucifolia and related species Diversity Analysis of Morphology and Main Agronomic Traits in Chewing Cane Genome Size and Variation Analysis of Mango (Mangifera indica L.) Germplasms in Yunnan by Flow Cytometry STUDY ON RESISTANCE OF RICE TO THE STRONG VIRULENCE PATHOTYPE V OF BACTERIAL BLIGHT Genetic Diversity of Pyrus pyrifolia Resources in Guizhou Province Using SRAP Markers Genetic Diversity Analysis and Construction of Seed Watermelon Core Germplasm Resources by SSR Genetic Diversity Analysis of Tea Germplasm in Qiannan Prefecture by SSR Markers Genetic variation analysis of gliadin from wild germplasm of Psathyrostachys juncea The Application of RAPD Markers in Diversity Detection and Variety Identification of Porphyra SAMPLING STRATEGY FOR PRESERVATION OF GERM PLASM FROM DAVIDIA INVOLUCRATASONG Construction and characteristics of Beijing plant germplasm resources information query platform Identification Methods of Hybridity in Ornamental Plants Distant Hybridization Study on analysis of types for phosphorus nutrition characteristics and their stabilities over testing years Special Wild Fruit Tree Germplasm and Its Distribution in Yunnan Special Wild Fruit Tree Germplasm and Its Distribution in Yunnan Variety Identification and Genetic Diversity Analysis of Rose with RAPDMolecular Markers Variety Identification and Genetic Diversity Analysis of Rose with RAPDMolecular Markers Germplasm Resource and Habitat Types of Wild Begonia in Subtropical Region of Guizhou Comprehensive Evaluation of Germplasm Resource of Elymus nutans in Alpine Region Patterns of Morphological Variation and Agronomic Traits in A Worldwide Sample of Prairie Grass Germplasm Research Progress of Collection, Preservation and Innovation of Tropical Forage Germplasm Resources A Study on the Phenotypic Diversity of Cynodon dactylon Variation Analysis of Drought Resistance of Germplasm Resources of Zoysia Willd. in Chinese Main Region Assessment of Salinity Tolerance of Miscanthus scchariflora Germplasm during Germination Period Studies on Wheat Germplasm Screening Method for Efficient Utiliza-tion of Soil Phosphorus Studies on the Heterotic Patterns between Tropical Subtropical and Chinese Temperate Germplasms in Maize Use of Hordeum bulbosum in Barley Breeding Cryopreservation of Sainfoin Tissue Cultures and Their Ultrastructural observation Storage Behavior Characteristics of Recalcitrant Podocarpus nagi Seeds* Analysis of polymorphism of eIF4E in pepper germplasm resources(Capsicum spp.)of China Collection, Conservation, Distribution and Utilization of Forage Resource in Germplasm Repository of Tropical Forage Analysis on Quality Characters of 64 Yam (Dioscorea L. )Germplasm Resources Rare Germlpasm Resources of Crop and Wild Relatives of Minority Area in Guizhou Province Screening of Germplasm and Establishment of New Evaluation Method for the Resistance to Wheat Crown Root Advances in Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Germplasm Resources and Molecular Biology Research Analysis of tobacco germplasm distribution and utilization in China The Current Situation and Strategies of Chive Germplasm Development Research in China Identification and Evaluation of Agronomic Traits for Corylus heterophylla Fisch. Accessions Construction of Primary Core Collection of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Based on Agronomic Traits in Shanxi Province Study on the distribution of Corylus in China and the climatic evaluation of the suitable areas Review of the studies on core collection for horticultural crops Study on the methods of germplasm resources innovation in the common buckwheat Genetic Diversity of Lagerstroemia indica Germplasm Resources in Hunan Based on Morphological Characteristics Identification and Eevaluation of Major Agronomic Traits and Main Fiber Quality in Ramie Germplasm Resources Screening and Identification of Photo-Thermo-Sensitive Genic Male Sterile Lines against Southern Rice Black-Streaked Dwarf Virus A preliminary study on the characters for the germplasm resources of C.sinensis cv.gulin-niupicha Identification and Genetic Diversity Evaluation of New-collective Germplasm of Sorghum in Gansu Procince Assessment of Genetic Variation Within Indian Mustard (Brassica juncea) Germplasm Using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Markers Creating Wheat Germplasm for High Quality Breeding by Monosomic Backcrossing DNA Polymorphism Among Yewei B, V20B, and Oryza minuta J. S. Presl. ex C. B. Presl. An Integrated Approach to Crop Genetic Improvement

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