Abstract:The ultrastructure of chloroplasts and the photosynthetic physiological properties of Panax ginseng C. A. Mey. grown under different light qualities with same light transmission rate (25 % of sun light) were investigated. The results showed that the thylakoid membranes of Panax ginseng chloroplasts are well deve lopted, and the number of grana and granal lame llae under green and violet film are more than that under red and blue film. The content of chlorophyll in the same area of leaves and the absorption spectra area of chlorophylls and leaves under violet and green film are higher than those under other films. All the photosynthetic rates are very low, and their sequence from high to low are violet, green, red and blue . Green film is advantageous to the accumulation of chlorophylls and the development of thylakoid membranes and red film is advantageous to the accumulation of chlorophyll b. Blue film reduced granal thylakoid staking and decreased the photosynthetic rate. A superior trend of the photosynthetic physiologic properties as well as the structure of chloropiasts of Panasc ginseng leaves under violet film,being composed with red and blue film is significant.