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Progress in separation technologies integrated with fermentation for bio-butanol recovery


全 文 :  2013 年第 11 卷总目次
2013 年第 11 卷总目次
第 1 期
刊  首  语
  立体选择性脂肪酶的筛选及其在薄荷醇拆分中的应用 徐  刚,李  牧,孙苗苗,吴坚平,杨立荣(1)……………………………………………
  重组青霉素 G酰化酶拆分制备(S) 邻氯苯甘氨酸 刘  学,薛亚平,柳志强,王亚军,郑裕国(5)…………………………………………………
  酰基供体结构对褶皱念珠菌脂肪酶(CRL)催化芳香仲醇动力学拆分立体选择性的影响 戴晓庭,徐  刚,陈永军,吴坚平,杨立荣(12)……
  羰基还原酶不对称还原(R) 6 氰基 5 羟基 3 羰基己酸叔丁酯 曹  政,王亚军,肖  黎,柳志强,郑裕国(17)……………………………
  重组固氮菌腈水合酶催化 3 (4 氯苯基)戊二腈的选择性水解 李  倩,任  杰,冯进辉,吴洽庆,朱敦明(23)…………………………………
  生物催化法合成 6 氰基 (3R,5R) 二羟基己酸叔丁酯 肖  黎,王亚军,曹  政,柳志强,郑裕国(29)…………………………………………
  一株高产木聚糖酶真菌的筛选及酶学性质分析 孙  婕,郁惠蕾,李春秀,寇振福,许建和(35)…………………………………………………
  米曲霉(Aspergillus oryzae) RIB40 中烯酮 /烯酯还原酶的异源表达及性质分析
  张海灵,高秀珍,陈  曦,任  杰,冯进辉,张同存,吴洽庆,朱敦明(41)……………………………………………………………………………
  来自 Staphylococcus aureus N315 的 2 脱氧 D 核糖 5 磷酸醛缩酶的工程菌构建、表达纯化与性质鉴定
  韩  磊,陈  曦,冯进辉,吴洽庆,朱敦明 (47)………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  具有差向选择性还原(R) 6 腈基 5 羟基 3 羰基己酸叔丁酯活性的微生物菌株筛选和鉴定 盛骏桢,王亚军,罗  希,郑裕国(54)……
  枯草芽胞杆菌乙酰木聚糖酯酶的鉴定及诱导剂对酯酶活力的影响 田倩倩,宋  萍,陈  晨,林  明,江  凌,李  霜(60)……………………
  R 2 氯丙酸脱卤酶的定向进化 秦迎春,刘  鹏,杨立荣,徐  刚,吴坚平(65)……………………………………………………………………
  利用结构多样性的对硝基苯酚羧酸酯和脂肪醇乙酸酯评估 7 个枯草芽胞杆菌酯水解酶的指纹图谱
  刘佳言,钱  乐,郑高伟,许建和(70)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  环氧水解酶的结构基础及新酶开发 孔旭东,郁惠蕾,周佳海,许建和(77)…………………………………………………………………………
  不同微生物来源的加氧酶及其催化反应特征的研究进展 聂  尧,付敏杰,徐  岩(87)…………………………………………………………
  碳酸酐酶的生理功能、多样性及其在 CO2捕集中的应用 李春秀,姜笑辰,邱勇隽,许建和(94)…………………………………………………
  工业属性普鲁兰酶的开发及其催化性能改善的研究进展 聂  尧,严  伟,徐  岩(104)…………………………………………………………
项目动态 (22,34,69,86)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
第 2 期
  工业生物技术的现状、发展趋势和规划 付卫平(1)…………………………………………………………………………………………………
  工业生物技术的过程科学研究概况及发展趋势 谭天伟,秦培勇(6)………………………………………………………………………………
  生物反应器及其研究技术进展 王永红,夏建业,唐  寅,杭海峰,易小萍,潘  江,许建和,张嗣良(14)…………………………………………
  手性医药化学品生物催化合成进展与实践 郑裕国,沈寅初(24)……………………………………………………………………………………
  甾体生物转化技术研究的现状与进展 许正宏,吴  燕,李  会,李  恒,史劲松(30)……………………………………………………………
  生物制造手性化学品的现状及其发展趋势 吴坚平,杨立荣(37)……………………………………………………………………………………
  基于生物质资源的化工多元醇生物炼制研究进展 马翠卿,李理想,高  超(44)…………………………………………………………………
  发酵法制备富马酸的关键技术及其进展 李  霜,徐  晴,黄  和(52)……………………………………………………………………………
  生物丁醇代谢工程的研究进展 戴宗杰,董红军,朱  岩,张延平,李  寅(58)……………………………………………………………………
  聚天冬氨酸功能高分子材料研究进展 余定华,曹  辉,黄  和(65)………………………………………………………………………………
  生物基聚酰胺研究进展 季  栋,方  正,欧阳平凯,郭  凯(73)……………………………………………………………………………………
  生 物 加 工 过 程
第 3 期
  利用甘蔗糖蜜发酵生产花生四烯酸的研究 彭  超,黄  和,纪晓俊,刘  欣,聂志奎,邓中涛(1)………………………………………………
  黑曲霉固态发酵生产单宁酶的优化条件 金  伟,聂光军,王  丽,王  鹏,贡国鸿,郑之明(7)…………………………………………………
  Candida sp􀆰 99 125 脂肪酶催化猪油酸解合成 1,3 二油酸 2 棕榈酸甘油三酯 李昕倩,邓  利,叶贤春,聂开立,刘  珞,李  玲(13)……
  诱导子对藏红花悬浮培养细胞生产藏红花色素的影响 孙  镇,袁丽红,吴频梅(18)……………………………………………………………
  重组大肠杆菌利用木糖发酵产高纯度 L 乳酸 许丽媛,赵锦芳,王永泽,赵  筱,王金华(24)……………………………………………………
  利用双水相萃取技术分离纯化尿激酶 李  兵,朱宝成(29)…………………………………………………………………………………………
  生物转化产 d 伪麻黄碱菌株的筛选及其关键酶基因的验证 柴满坤,张  梁,顾正华,丁重阳,石贵阳(34)……………………………………
  一个外切菊粉酶基因的克隆表达及酶学性质 熊伍平,王成华,陆  雁,王青艳,申乃坤,黄日波(40)……………………………………………
  不同启动子调控羰基还原酶基因在枯草芽胞杆菌中的表达水平 王艳娜,张  梁,丁重阳,石贵阳(46)…………………………………………
  链霉菌壳聚糖酶的纯化及其酶学性质 杨立红,程仕伟,冯志彬,周楠楠,孔云红,明永飞(52)……………………………………………………
  不同盐碱度土壤中 AM菌根真菌群落结构组成及影响因子 李  丹,高永超,王加宁,邱维忠,迟建国(59)……………………………………
  鹅不食草提取物对人鼻咽癌细胞 CNE 1 增殖抑制和凋亡诱导作用 郭育卿,王文强,陈志安,陈四保(65)……………………………………
  羰基生物还原法合成手性醇的研究进展 郁惠蕾,黄  磊,倪  燕,许国超,许建和(71)…………………………………………………………
  黄曲霉素毒理效应及检测方法 刘  英,胡建华,刘春朝(83)………………………………………………………………………………………
第 4 期
  木薯和玉米原料丁醇发酵中丁醇丙酮质量比的图论理论计算及其验证 李  乐,李志刚,李  鑫,史仲平(1)…………………………………
  高山被孢霉三阶段培养法生产花生四烯酸油脂 邓中涛,纪晓俊,聂志奎,颜佳铖,黄  和(8)……………………………………………………
  拉曼被孢霉产 γ 亚麻酸的发酵条件优化 黎志勇,丛蕾蕾,聂志奎,彭  超,邓中涛,纪晓俊(14)………………………………………………
  纤维乙醇制乙烯的研究 贾宝莹,杜  平,孙沛勇,杜风光,杨建萍(19)……………………………………………………………………………
  碱提工艺对茶树菇多糖形貌特征和构象及其生物活性的影响 窦佩娟,张  静,吕青青,郭  琦,郭国赟,孙润广(22)…………………………
  超临界 CO2 提取茶籽油的工艺及其成分分析 孙益民,胡献琴,翟春海,钟  明,张  晓,陈海娟(31)……………………………………………
  半枝莲黄酮的超声提取及其抗氧化活性 陈莉华,张  烨,李三艳(36)……………………………………………………………………………
  过表达氨基葡萄糖脱氨酶对大肠杆菌氨基葡萄糖合成及中心碳代谢的影响 王珊珊,高  璐,严  明,许  琳(42)……………………………
  基于分子对接的洋葱假单胞菌脂肪酶催化制备 R N (2 甲基 6 乙基苯基)丙氨酸的分子机制
  林  明,江  凌,胡  燚,张  洋,刘维明(49)………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  对胞必佳生产菌株的重新鉴定 尤小娜,林锦彬,雷  艳,谢必峰(55)………………………………………………………………………………
  十六倍体三叶半夏品种特性的分析 贾明良,郭巧萍,高伟平,张本厚,陈集双,欧阳平凯(59)……………………………………………………
  生物法生产 D 塔格糖的研究进展 徐  铮,李贵祥,李  莎,徐  虹(64)…………………………………………………………………………
  微生物发酵法生产花生四烯酸油脂的研究进展 周正雄,卢英华,班  甲,陈骏佳(72)……………………………………………………………
第 5 期
  蒸汽爆破处理沙柳原料酶解条件优化 林增祥,李荣秀,刘  莉,沈兆兵,史吉平(1)………………………………………………………………
  亚硫酸盐甘蔗渣浆酶解液发酵制备乙醇 余  恒,刘宝田,欧阳嘉(7)………………………………………………………………………………
  2013 年第 11 卷总目次
  黑曲霉与里氏木霉固态混合发酵产 β 葡萄糖苷酶 史  通,宋向阳, 欧阳嘉,勇  强(11)………………………………………………………
  葡萄细胞悬浮培养生产白藜芦醇 龙小凤,郑丽屏,赵培飞,王剑文(16)……………………………………………………………………………
  外源添加剂促进裂殖壶菌合成 DHA 王申强,罗  玮,姜易彤,余晓斌(21)………………………………………………………………………
  种子培养基成分对裂殖壶菌发酵产 DHA的影响 冯  云,任路静,瞿  亮,纪晓俊,黄  和(26)…………………………………………………
  两步法培养对丰富栅藻脂肪酸和氨基酸的影响 胡文军,罗  玮,李汉广,顾秋亚,余晓斌(32)…………………………………………………
  产鼠李糖脂菌株种子培养条件和 C、N源的优化 张祥胜,许德军(38)………………………………………………………………………………
  发酵法生产丁二酸的化学合成培养基的筛选 马江锋,奚永兰,徐  蓉,戴文宇,陈可泉,姜  岷,韦  萍(44)…………………………………
  表达条件对金属激活酶 NAOase离子依赖的活性分析 吴圆丽,李  环,张  琛,韦  萍(49)……………………………………………………
  即食凉拌菜中单增李斯特菌的定量暴露评估 董庆利,郑丽敏(55)…………………………………………………………………………………
  猪肚菇多糖 WPG1 的相对分子质量测定及原子力显微镜观测 陈  睿,孙润广,王小梅,张化朋(61)……………………………………………
  斜链拟青霉多糖活性组分的分离及其清除自由基活性 杨  成,陈名君,刘  辉,董  群(67)……………………………………………………
  高效液相色谱法测定雷帕霉素 刘  忠,赵丽丽,孙钦美,唐云峰(71)………………………………………………………………………………
  L 核糖的生产研究进展 詹伊婧,徐  铮,许  露,李  莎,徐  虹(74)……………………………………………………………………………
第 6 期
  海带发酵制取生物乙醇的影响因素与条件优化 夏天虹,翁焕新(1)………………………………………………………………………………
  不同萃取体系对小球藻藻渣成分的影响 尹丰伟,段  珺,高  振,郑洪立,郑艳萍,黄  和(9)…………………………………………………
  敲除 aceE基因对大肠杆菌生长和丙酮酸代谢的影响 宋灿辉,张伟国(15)…………………………………………………………………………
  硫胺素对 Arthrobacter sp. A302 环磷酸腺苷发酵的影响 要世伟,牛欢青,陈  勇,应汉杰(19)……………………………………………………
  水 /乙醇混合溶剂中的阿奇霉素结晶动力学 陈长保,黄小权,陈晓春(24)…………………………………………………………………………
  一株乙二醇氧化酶菌株的筛选及催化特性的初步研究 何玉财,徐晓锋,潘雪鹤,巫淼鑫(29)……………………………………………………
  乙醛脱氢酶 2 基因在毕赤酵母中的表达和分离纯化 陈  瑞,方  剑,王静涵(34)………………………………………………………………
  人源双歧杆菌的分离纯化及鉴定 熊  强,杨青丽,韩  浩(38)……………………………………………………………………………………
  类芽胞杆菌碱性果胶裂解酶的纯化与酶学性质表征 熊  斌,应向贤,陈丽娜,谢丽萍,魏  春,汪  钊(42)……………………………………
  小分子封闭提高固定化嗜热菌蛋白酶的热稳定性 王  芬,陈飞飞,高为芳,杜方川,王安明,谢  恬(47)………………………………………
  芝麻木脂素超声提取工艺优化及其抗氧化性能 何晓梅,谷仿丽,张  颖,陈壮壮(53)……………………………………………………………
  裂殖壶菌发酵产 DHA过程呼吸参数的在线检测分析 瞿  亮,任路静,黄  和(58)………………………………………………………………
  高山被孢霉淬灭方法及胞内代谢产物的气相色谱 质谱分析比较 刘  欣,傅宁华,张红漫,纪晓俊,张  鑫,杨健健,黄  和(63)……………
  使用 BODIPY荧光染料快速测定微藻油脂含量方法 刘亚男,姚长洪,周建男,孟迎迎,王海涛,曹旭鹏,薛  松(68)…………………………
  近红外光谱技术快速检测原料乳中掺杂物 古方青,管  骁,刘  静,杨永健,张仲源(73)………………………………………………………
  共振瑞利散射测试血清蛋白酸碱度影响的探讨 郭伟平,王  高,周汉昌(78)……………………………………………………………………
  六亚甲基二异氰酸酯改性 β 环糊精及其焦化废水处理 王海军,王有涛,周玉清,韩萍芳,吕效平(82)…………………………………………
  三光气在 L 乳酸 O 羧基内酸酐合成中的应用 夏海东,阚苏立,周  锋,崔赛德,吴文卓,李振江(86)………………………………………
  原位分离耦合技术制备生物丁醇的研究进展 朱大伟,韦  萍,吴  昊,孙梦茹,姜  岷(90)……………………………………………………
国内简讯 (37)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2013 年第 11 卷总目次 (Ⅰ)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
  Chinese Journal of Bioprocess Engineering
Total Contents of Vol. 11,2013
No. 1
Screening of stereoselective lipase and its application in resolution of menthol XU Gang,LI Mu,SUN Miaomiao,WU Jianping,YANG Lirong(1)………
Preparation of(S)⁃2⁃chlorophenyl glycine using penicillin G acylase LIU Xue,XUE Yaping,LIU Zhiqiang,WANG Yajun,ZHENG Yuguo(5)…………
Effects of acyl donor structure on enzymatic kinetics resolution of secondary alcohols by Canadida rogusa lipase
DAI Xiaoting,XU Gang,CHEN Yongjun,WU Jianping,YANG Lirong(12)………………………………………………………………………………
Asymmetric reduction of t⁃butyl 6⁃cyano⁃(5R)⁃hydroxy⁃3⁃carbonylhexanoate by carbonyl reductase
CAO Zheng,WANG Yajun,XIAO Li,LIU Zhiqiang,ZHENG Yuguo(17)…………………………………………………………………………………
Recombinant nitrile hydratase from Herbaspirillum seropedicae as biocatalyst for the selective hydration of 3⁃(4⁃chlorophenyl)glutaronitrile
LI Qian,REN Jie,FENG Jinhui,WU Qiaqing,ZHU Dunming(23)………………………………………………………………………………………
Development of biocatalytic process for t⁃butyl 6⁃cyano⁃(3R,5R)⁃dihydroxylhexanoate
XIAO Li,WANG Yajun,CAO Zheng,LIU Zhiqiang,ZHENG Yuguo(29)…………………………………………………………………………………
Screening of xylanase⁃producing fungus and analysis of enzymatic properties SUN Jie,YU Huilei,LI Chunxiu,KOU Zhenfu,XU Jianhe(35)…………
Heterologous expression and characterization of enoate reductase from Aspergillus oryzae RIB40
ZHANG Hailing,GAO Xiuzhen,CHEN Xi,Ren Jie, FENG Jinhui,ZHANG Tongcun,WU Qiaqing,ZHU Dunming(41)………………………………
Cloning,purification and characterization of promising 2⁃deoxy⁃D⁃ribose 5⁃phosphate aldolase from Staphylococcus aureus N315
HAN Lei,CHEN Xi,FENG Jinhui,WU Qiaqing,ZHU Dunming(47)……………………………………………………………………………………
Screening for microbe displaying diastereoselective ketoreductase activity towards t⁃butyl 6⁃cyano⁃(5R)⁃hydroxyl⁃3⁃oxohexanoate
SHENG Junzhen,WANG Yajun,LUO Xi,ZHENG Yuguo(54)……………………………………………………………………………………………
Identification of acetyl xylan esterase from Bacillus subtilis and effects of inducers on its production
TIAN Qianqian,SONG Ping,CHEN Chen,LING Ming,JIANG Ling, LI Shuang(60)……………………………………………………………………
Directed evolution of R⁃2⁃CPA dehalogenase QIN Yingchun,LIU Peng,YANG Lirong,XU Gang,WU Jianping(65)……………………………………
Comparative evaluation of seven recombinant ester hydrolases from Bacillus subtilis 168 using structurally diverse p⁃nitrophenyl carboxylates and
acetylated alcohols LIU Jiayan,QIAN Le,ZHENG Gaowei,XU Jianhe(70)………………………………………………………………………………
Structure basis of EHs and the development of novel EHs as biocatalyst KONG Xudong,YU Huilei,ZHOU Jiahai,XU Jianhe(77)……………………
Research advances on the development of microbical oxygenase and its characteristics in catalyzing bioreactions NIE Yao,FU Minjie,XU Yan(87)…
Physiological function,diversity of carbonic anhydrase and its application LI Chunxiu,JIANG Xiaochen,QIU Yongjun,XU Jianhe(94)………………
Research advances on discovery and development of pullulanase with industrial properties NIE Yao,YAN Wei,XU Yan(104)…………………………
No. 2
Current situation,development trend and planning of industrial biotechnology FU Weiping(1)……………………………………………………………
Recent advances and future trends in process science of industrial biotechnology TAN Tianwei,QIN Peiyong(6)………………………………………
Recent advances in bioreactor and its engineering
WANG Yonghong,XIA Jianye,TANG Yin,HANG Haifeng,YI Xiaoping,PAN Jiang,XU Jianhe,ZHANG Siliang(14)…………………………………
Biocatalysis and green process for chiral pharmaceutical chemicals ZHENG Yuguo,SHEN Yinchu(24)…………………………………………………
Current state and progress of biotransformation technology of steroid compounds XU Zhenghong,WU Yan,LI Hui,LI Heng,SHI Jingsong(30)………
Current situation and development trend of bio⁃manufacturing of chiral chemicals WU Jianping,YANG Lirong(37)……………………………………
Recent progress of biorefinery of polyols based on biomass resources MA Cuiqing,LI Lixiang,GAO Chao(44)…………………………………………
Key technologies and their advances for fumaric acid production by fermentation process LI Shuang,XU Qing,HUANG He(52)………………………
Metabolic engineering for biobutanol production:a review DAI Zongjie,DONG Hongjun,ZHU Yan,ZHANG Yanping,LI Yin(58)……………………
Research progress on functional polymer poly(aspartic acid) YU Dinghua,CAO Hui,HUANG He(65)…………………………………………………
Progress in bio⁃based polyamides JI Dong,FANG Zheng,OUYANG Pingkai,GUO Kai(73)………………………………………………………………
No. 3
Arachidonic acid production from cane molasses by Mortierella alpina
PENG Chao,HUANG He,JI Xiaojun,LIU Xin,NIE Zhikui,DENG Zhongtao(1)…………………………………………………………………………
Optimization of tannase production by solid state fermentation from Aspergillus niger
JIN Wei,NIE Guangjun,WANG Li,WANG Peng,GONG Guohong,ZHENG Zhiming (7)………………………………………………………………
  Total Contents of Vol. 11,2013
Enzymatic acidolysis of lard to produce 1,3⁃dioleoyl⁃2⁃palmitoylglycerol by Candida sp􀆰 99⁃125 lipase
LI Xinqian,DENG Li,YE Xianchun,NIE Kaili,LIU Luo,LI Ling(13)…………………………………………………………………………………
Effects of elicitors on saffron pigment production in cell suspension cultures of Crocus sativus L􀆰 SUN Zhen,YUAN Lihong,WU Pinmei(18)…………
Fermentation production of L⁃lactate from xylose by engineered Escherichia coli
XU Liyuan,ZHAO Jinfang,WANG Yongze,ZHAO Xiao,WANG Jinhua(24)……………………………………………………………………………
Separation and purification of urokinase by aqueous two⁃phase extraction LI Bing,ZHU Baocheng (29)…………………………………………………
Strain⁃screening in biotransformation of d⁃pseudoephedrine and expression of its bcdh gene
CHAI Mankun,ZHANG Liang,GU Zhenghua,DING Zhongyang,SHI Guiyang(34)………………………………………………………………………
Cloning,expression and characterization of exo⁃inulinase from Kluyveromyces marxianus DSM 5418
XIONG Wuping,WANG Chenghua,LU Yan,WANG Qingyan,SHEN Naikun,HUANG Ribo(40)………………………………………………………
Expression of carbonyl reductase in Bacillus subtilis with different promoters WANG Yanna,ZHANG Liang,DING Zhongyang,SHI Guiyang(46)………
Purification chitosanase from Streptomyces hygroscopious and its catalytic properties
YANG Lihong,CHENG Shiwei,FENG Zhibin,ZHOU Nannan,KONG Yunhong,Ming Yongfei (52)……………………………………………………
Structure of Arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi community in soils with different salinity and influence factors
LI Dan,GAO Yongchao,WANG Jianing,QIU Weizhong,CHI Jianguo(59)………………………………………………………………………………
Proliferation inhibition and apoptosis induction of Centipeda minima extracts on human nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell CNE⁃1
GUO Yuqing,WANG Wenqiang,CHAN Zhi⁃an,CHEN Sibao(65)………………………………………………………………………………………
Advances in synthesis of chiral alcohols by carbonyl bioreduction YU Huilei,HUANG Lei,NI Yan,XU Guochao,XU Jianhe(71)……………………
Toxicity and detection method of aflatoxin LIU Ying,HU Jianhua,LIU Chunzhao(83)……………………………………………………………………
No. 4
Theoretical calculation of butanol acetone mass ratio by graph theory and its experimental verification in cassava and corn media based butanol fermentations
LI Le,LI Zhigang,LI Xin,SHI Zhongping(1)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
High⁃level arachidonic acid⁃rich oil accumulation in Mortierella alpina though three⁃stage fermentation strategy
DENG Zhongtao,JI Xiaojun,NIE Zhikui,YAN Jiacheng,HUANG He(8)…………………………………………………………………………………
Optimization of fermentation conditions of γ⁃linolenic acid production by Mortierella ramanniana
LI Zhiyong,CONG Leilei,NIE Zhikui,PENG Chao,DENG Zhongtao,JI Xiaojun(14)……………………………………………………………………
Research on preparation of ethylene from cellulosic ethanol JIA Baoying,DU Ping,SUN Peiyong,DU Fengguang,YANG Jianping(19)…………………
Morphology and conformation of polysaccharide from Agrocybe aegerita and its antioxidant activity
DOU Peijuan,ZHANG Jing,LÜ Qingqing,GUO Qi,GUO Guoyun,SUN Runguang(22)…………………………………………………………………
Analysis of extraction process and composition of tea seeds oil with supercritical carbon dioxide
SUN Yimin,HU Xianqin,ZHAI Chunhai,ZHONG Ming,ZHANG Xiao,CHEN Haijuan(31)……………………………………………………………
Ultrasonic⁃assisted ethanol extraction of flavonoids from Scutellariae Barbatae and their antioxidant activity
CHEN Lihua,ZHANG Ye,LI Sanyan(36)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Effects of overexpression glucosamine deaminase on glucosamine synthesis and central carbon metabolism in Escherichia coli
WANG Shanshan,GAO Lu,YAN Ming,XU Lin(42)………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Molecular basis for preparation of R⁃N⁃(2⁃ethyl⁃6⁃methylphenyl)alanine catalyzed by Burkholderia cepacia lipase using molecular docking method
LIN Ming,JIANG Ling,HU Yi,ZHANG Yang,LIU Weiming(49)………………………………………………………………………………………
Study on the identification of the production strain about N⁃CWS YOU Xiaona,LIN Jinbin,LEI Yan,XIE Bifeng(55)…………………………………
Species characteristics for sixteen⁃ploid Pinellia ternata (Thunb􀆰 )Breit􀆰
JIA Mingliang,GUO Qiaoping,GAO WeiPing,ZHANG Benhou,CHEN Jishuang,OUYANG Pingkai(59)………………………………………………
Research progress in biological production of D⁃tagatose XU Zheng,LI Guixiang,LI Sha,XU Hong(64)…………………………………………………
Arachidonic acid oil production by microbial fermentation ZHOU Zhengxiong,LU Yinghua, BAN Jia,CHEN Junjia(72)………………………………
No. 5
Optimization of enzymatic hydrolysis of steam explosion pretreated Salix psammophila
LIN Zengxiang,LI Rongxiu,LIU Li,SHEN Zhaobing,SHI Jiping(1)……………………………………………………………………………………
Fuel ethanol fermentation using enzymatic hydrolysate of sulfite bagasse pulp YU Heng,LIU Baotian,OUYANG Jia(7)………………………………
Production of β⁃glycosidase by co⁃culturing Aspergillus NL02 and Trichoderma reesei RUT⁃C30 through solid⁃state fermentation
SHI Tong,SONG Xiangyang,OUYANG Jia,YONG Qiang(11)……………………………………………………………………………………………
Resveratrol production in suspension cell cultures of Vitis vinifera LONG Xiaofeng,ZHENG Liping,ZHAO Peifei,WANG Jianwen(16)………………
  Chinese Journal of Bioprocess Engineering
Enhancing DHA synthesis in Schizochytrium limacinum by exogenous additives WANG Shenqiang,LUO Wei,JIANG Yitong,YU Xiaobin(21)………
Effects of culture media on docosahexaenoic acid production by Schizochytrium sp􀆰
FENG Yun,REN Lujing,QU Liang,JI Xiaojun,HUANG He(26)…………………………………………………………………………………………
Effects of two⁃step cultivation on fatty acid and amino acid of Scenedesmus abundans
HU Wenjun,LUO Wei,LI Hanguang,GU Qiuya,YU Xiaobin(32)………………………………………………………………………………………
Optimization of seed culture, carbon and nitrogen conditions of rhamnolipid producing stains ZHANG Xiangsheng, XU Dejun(38)……………………
Screening of chemically defined medium for succinic acid fermentation
MA Jiangfeng,XI Yonglan,XU Rong,DAI Wenyu,CHEN Kequan,JIANG Min,WEI Ping(44)…………………………………………………………
Activity analysis of expression conditions on ion dependent of metal activated enzyme NAOase WU Yuanli,LI Huan,ZHANG Chen,WEI Ping(49)…
Quantitative exposure assessment of Listeria monocytogenes in ready⁃to⁃eat salads DONG Qingli,ZHENG Limin(55)……………………………………
Composition of monosaccharide and AFM analysis of WPG1 from Panus giganteus polysaccharides
CHEN Rui,SUN Runguang,WANG Xiaomei,ZHANG Huapeng(61)……………………………………………………………………………………
Isolating and free radical scavenging active fractions of polysaccharide from Paecilomyces cateniobliquus
YANG Cheng,CHEN Mingjun,LIU Hui,DONG Qun(67)………………………………………………………………………………………………
Detection of rapamycin by HPLC method LIU Zhong,ZHAO Lili,SUN Qinmei,TANG Yunfeng (71)……………………………………………………
Research progress in production of L⁃ribose ZHAN Yijing,XU Zheng,XU Lu,LI Sha,XU Hong(74)……………………………………………………
No. 6
The influencing factors and optimization of ethanol production from kelp fermentation XIA Tianhong,WENG Huanxin(1)………………………………
Effects of extraction systems on the compositions of oil⁃extracted algae⁃residues from Chlorella phyrenoidosa
  YIN Fengwei,DUAN Jun,GAO Zhen,ZHENG Hongli,ZHENG Yanping,HUANG He(9)……………………………………………………………
Effects of aceE gene knockout on growing and pyruvate biosynthesis of E. coli SONG Canhui,ZHANG Weiguo(15)……………………………………
Effects of thiamin on production of cyclic adenosine monophosphate by Arthrobacter sp. A302
YAO Shiwei,NIU Huanqing,CHEN Yong,YING Hanjie(19)……………………………………………………………………………………………
Crystallization kinetics of azithromycin in mixture solvents of water and ethanol CHEN Changbao,HUANG Xiaoquan,CHEN Xiaochun(24)…………
Isolation and catalytic characteristics of ethylene glycol⁃oxidizing strain HE Yucai,XU Xiaofeng,PAN Xuehe,WU Miaoxin(29)………………………
Expression of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase 2 gene in Pichia pastoris CHEN Rui,FANG Jian,WANG Jinghan(34)………………………………………
The identification of Bifidobacterium form human feces XIONG Qiang,YANG Qingli,HAN Hao(38)……………………………………………………
Purification and characterization of alkaline pectate lyase from Paenibacillus sp. WZ008
XIONG Bin,YING Xiangxian,CHEN Lina,XIE Liping,WEI Chun,WANG Zhao(42)…………………………………………………………………
Enhancement of thermal stability of immobilized thermolysin using end⁃group blocking
WANG Fen,CHEN Feifei,GAO Weifang,DU Fangchuan,WANG Anming,XIE Tian(47)………………………………………………………………
Optimization of ultrasonic⁃assisted extraction of sesame lignans and its antioxidant activities
HE Xiaomei,GU Fangli,ZHANG Ying,CHEN Zhuangzhuang(53)………………………………………………………………………………………
Online analysis of respiratory parameters in fed⁃batch fermentation process for DHA production by Schizochytrium sp.
QU Liang,REN Lujing,HUANG He(58)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Comparison of sampling methods of intracellular metabolites in Mortierella alpina and analysis of the metabolites by GC⁃MS
LIU Xin,FU Ninghua,ZHANG Hongman,JI Xiaojun,ZHANG Xin,YANG Jianjian,HUANG He(63)…………………………………………………
Rapid method for lipid content quantifiction of microalgae based on BODIPY fluorescence
LIU Yanan,YAO Changhong,ZHOU Jiannan,MENG Yingying,WANG Haitao,CAO Xupeng,XUE Song(68)…………………………………………
Rapid determination of adulteration in raw milk by near⁃infrared spectroscopy analysis
GU Fangqing,GUAN Xiao,LIU Jing,YANG Yongjian,ZHANG Zhongyuan(73)…………………………………………………………………………
Measurement of human serum albumin based on resonance Rayleigh scattering at different pH GUO Weiping,WANG Gao,ZHOU Hanchang(78)……
A facile removal of phenol in coking wastewater using β⁃cyclodextrin modified with hexamethylene diisocyanate
WANG Haijun,WANG Youtao,ZHOU Yuqing,HAN Pingfang,LÜ Xiaoping(82)………………………………………………………………………
Triphosgene application in the synthesis of L⁃lactic acid⁃O⁃carboxyanhydride
XIA Haidong,KAN Suli,ZHOU Feng,CUI Saide,WU Wenzhuo,LI Zhenjiang(86)………………………………………………………………………
Progress in separation technologies integrated with fermentation for bio⁃butanol recovery
ZHU Dawei,WEI Ping,WU Hao,SUN Mengru,JIANG Min(90)…………………………………………………………………………………………
Total Contents of Vol. 11,2013 (Ⅳ)………………………………………………………………………………………