Abstract:We studied the microscopic characters of the leaves of Huperzia serrata(Thunb. ex Murray) Trev, Huperzia crispata(Ching) Ching, Huperzia sutchueniana(Herter) Ching, Huperzia nanlingensis and Huperzia javaensis. with optical microscope and electron microscope. There are no trichome in the leaves of five species. We observed two types of stomatal apparatu(anomotetracytic and anomocytic) in the leaves of the five species. Anomocytic type is a typical stomata of these five species. The stomatal apparatus have multi-type phenomena, most of the stamatal are hypostomatic types, while their distributive modes and size also varies. There are obvious differences of leaf epidermal cell size and shape in five kinds of Huperzia plant, and the anticlinal walls of the epidermal cell are corrugated(undulate and sinuate).