摘 要 :用专门能恢复 T 组,S 组或 C 组的专效性恢复系分别对 Y 型不育系测交,仅有 T 组的恢复系对 Y 型表现恢复。用玉米小斑病 T 小种的病菌毒素对各组不育系接种,仅 Y 型和 T 型不育系表现感病。一系列自交系对 T型与 Y 型不育系有完全相同的恢保关系。初步确定 Y 型不育系应归类于 T 组,并对 Y 型不育系的来源、不育系的分组问题
Abstract:Y cytoplasm was crossed with Mo17 lines carrying nuclear genes forfertility restoration of T、S and C respectively.The results showed thatonly T type restoring genes could restore it.We inoculated leaves offour cytoplasm lines(T.C.S.Y)With pathotoxin from Helminthosporiummaydis race T.Lesions develo