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Chemical Compositions and Antioxidant Activity of Essential Oil from Green Tea Produced from Camellia taliensis (Theaceae) in Yuanjiang, Southwestern China


全 文 :我国西南元江大理茶的挥发性成分及其抗氧化活性*
朱利芳1,2, 董鸿竹1, 杨世雄3, 朱宏涛1, 许摇 敏1,
曾淑芬4, 杨崇仁1,4, 张颖君1**
(1 中国科学院昆明植物研究所植物化学与西部植物资源持续利用国家重点实验室, 云南 昆明摇 650201;
2 中国科学院研究生院, 北京摇 100049; 3 中国科学院昆明植物研究所生物多样性与生物地理学重点
实验室, 云南 昆明摇 650201; 4 云南维和药业股份有限公司技术中心, 云南 玉溪摇 653101)
摘要: 大理茶 (Camellia taliensis) 为山茶科山茶属茶组植物, 主要分布于云南横断山脉澜沧江至伊洛瓦底
江流域, 即从云南的西部及西南部至缅甸北部。 在其分布区, 大理茶亦被称为野生大茶树, 常用于加工制
作茶叶。 采用水蒸气蒸馏法、 GC及 GC / MS联用技术, 首次对大理茶的鲜幼叶和鲜幼叶及老叶分别制成的
绿茶中的挥发性成分进行提取和分析, 共鉴定出 91 个化合物。 研究结果表明, 大理茶鲜幼叶的主要香气
成分为棕榈酸 (30. 52% ), 亚油酸 (19. 82% ), 植醇 (8. 75% ) 和亚麻酸乙酯 (2. 54% ) 等有机酸及其
酯和二萜类, 而制成绿茶后, 其主要香气成分则为芳樟醇 (28. 43% ), 脱氢芳樟醇 (1. 13% ), 琢鄄松油醇
(11. 68% ), 橙花醇 (4. 92% ) 和香叶醇 (12. 34% ) 等单萜醇类成分。 从大理茶鲜叶到由其制成的绿茶,
香气成分发生了较大变化, 形成了 28 种原鲜叶中未检测到的香气成分, 其中, (Z, Z, Z)鄄9, 12, 15鄄十八
烷三烯鄄1鄄醇的含量分别达到 1. 21% (幼叶绿茶) 和 11. 2% (老叶绿茶), 是大理茶制作的绿茶的特征香
气成分。 DPPH和 ABTS+自由基清除实验结果显示大理茶鲜叶及其制成的绿茶的挥发性成分均具有一定的
抗氧化活性, 但均弱于茶多酚的抗氧化活性。
关键词: 大理茶; 鲜叶; 绿茶; 挥发性成分; 水蒸汽蒸馏法; 抗氧化活性
中图分类号: Q 946摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 文献标识码: A摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 文章编号: 2095-0845(2012)04-409-08
Chemical Compositions and Antioxidant Activity of Essential
Oil from Green Tea Produced from Camellia taliensis
(Theaceae) in Yuanjiang, Southwestern China*
ZHU Li鄄Fang1,2, DONG Hong鄄Zhu1, YANG Shi鄄Xiong3, ZHU Hong鄄Tao1, XU Min1,
ZENG Shu鄄Fen4, YANG Chong鄄Ren1,4, ZHANG Ying鄄Jun1**
(1 State Key Laboratory of Phytochemistry and Plant Resources of West China, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy
of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China; 2 Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China;
3 Key Lab of Biodiversity and Biogeography, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming
650201, China; 4 Biotech Center of Weihe Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Yuxi 653101, China)
Abstract: Camellia taliensis belonging to Camellia sect. Thea (Theaceae) is distributed from the western and south鄄
western areas of Yunnan Province, China to the north of Myanmar. Known as the “wild冶 tea plant, it has been com鄄
monly used for making tea by the local people of its growing area. It is the first investigation of the volatile constituents
of the fresh tender leaves of C. taliensis and green teas produced from its tender and older leaves. The volatile constitu鄄
植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报摇 2012, 34 (4): 409 ~ 416
Plant Diversity and Resources摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 DOI: 10. 3724 / SP. J. 1143. 2012. 12008
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金面上项目———茶组植物的化学成分及品质综合评价研究 (NSFC 30970287) 以及云南省林业厅项
Author for correspondence; E鄄mail: zhangyj@ mail. kib. ac. cn
Received date: 2012-01-12, Accepted date: 2012-05-24
作者简介: 朱利芳 (1986-) 女, 在读硕士研究生, 主要从事茶资源与化学研究。 E鄄mail: zhulifang@ mail. kib. ac. cn
ents were obtained by hydrodistillation and analyzed by GC and GC鄄MS. Ninety鄄one compounds were identified. The
results showed that the main compositions of volatile oil of the fresh tender leaves were hexadecanoic acid (30. 52%),
linoleic acid (19. 82% ), phytol (8. 75% ), and geraniol (2. 54% ), while monoterpenoids (58. 51% ) composing
of linalool (28. 43% ), hotrienol (1. 13% ), 琢鄄terpineol (11. 68% ), nerol (4. 92% ) and geraniol (12. 34% )
were the major volatile components of its green tea product. From the fresh leaves to the green tea products, 28 aro鄄
ma components were formed. Among then, the content of (Z, Z, Z)鄄9, 12, 15鄄octadecatrien鄄1鄄ol (peak 77) was
up to 1. 21% (from tender leaves) and 11. 2% (from older leaves), respectively. The DPPH and ABTS+ radical
scavenging assays demonstrated a moderate activity of essential oil from the three essential oils of C. taliensis.
Key words: Camellia taliensis; Fresh tender leaves; Green tea products; Essential oil; Hydrodistillation; Antioxi鄄
dant assays
摇 Tea is one of the most popular beverages con鄄
sumed in the world. Due to its special flavor, rich
content of polyphenols, and various bioactivities in鄄
cluding cancer prevention, hypotensive effects, anti鄄
oxidative, antimicrobial, antitumor, and anti鄄muta鄄
genesis ( Almajano et al., 2008; Henry and Ste鄄
phen, 1984; Katiyar and Mukhtar, 1996; Khan and
Mukhtar, 2007; Kuroda and Hara, 1999; Weis鄄
burger, 1997). The commercial tea is normally pro鄄
duced from the leaves of two cultivated tea plants,
Camellia sinensis var. sinensis (L. ) O. Kuntze and
C. sinensis var. assamica (Masters) Kitamura (Theace鄄
ae). Besides, some wild tea plants have also been
used for producing tea beverage by the local people
of their growing areas.
C. taliensis (W. W. Smith) Melchior is distrib鄄
uted from the western and southwestern areas of
Yunnan Province, China to the north of Myanmar. It
belongs to the Camellia section Thea, which is the
same as the two widely cultivated tea plants ( C.
sinensis var. sinensis and C. sinensis var. assamica).
Known as the “wild冶 tea plant, it has been used
widely to make green tea or Pu鄄er tea by the local
people of its growing area.
So far, most of the interests in tea research
were mainly focused on the non鄄volatile constituents
of C. sinensis and C. sinensis var. assamica tea and
their bioactivities ( Nonaka et al., 1983, 1984,
1989). Our previous work on the leaves of C. talien鄄
sis collected from Lincang area of Yunnan province,
China, indicated that it contained rich level of fla鄄
van鄄3鄄ols and caffeine, same as the widely cultivated
tea plants. In addition, abundant hydrolysable tan鄄
nins were found to be the characteristic and mark
phenolic constituents in C. taliensis, which was dif鄄
ferent from those of C. sinensis var. assamica (Gao
et al., 2008). However, the essential oil composi鄄
tions of C. taliensis and their bioactivities are not
known well thus far.
During the course of our study on C. taliensis
collected from Yuanjiang area of Yunnan Province,
China, it expressed strong and sweet fragrance. The
essential oil of the fresh tender leaves of C. taliensis
in Yuanjiang prefecture, together with its green tea
products was extracted by hydrodistillation and fur鄄
ther analyzed by GC and GC / MS. Their antioxidant
activities were evaluated by DPPH and ABTS+ as鄄
says. The present paper describes this study.
Materials and methods
Plant material 摇 The fresh tender leaves (A)
of Camellia taliensis (W. W. Smith) Melchior and its
green tea product (B) were collected at Yangchajie,
Yuanjiang Prefecture, Yunnan Province of China,
on March 2012, and prepared by the local people.
Another green tea product ( C) was prepared from
older leaves collected on May 2010. The plant spe鄄
cies were identified by Dr. Shi鄄Xiong Yang, Key
Lab of Biodiversity & Biogeography, Kunming Insti鄄
tute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Recovery of the essential oil摇 The fresh lea鄄
ves (A) of C. taliensis and its green tea samples (B
and C) (each 200 g) were subjected to hydrodistil鄄
lation for 7 hours using Clevenger type apparatus.
014摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 第 34 卷
After dried with anhydrous Na2SO4, the obtained es鄄
sential oils were stored at 0 益 . The percentage
yields of essential oils were about 0. 0105% for the
fresh tender leaves of C. taliensis, on a wet weight
basis, and 0. 03% and 0. 02% for green teas pro鄄
duced from tender and older leaves, (W / W) on a
dry weight basis, respectively.
GC and GC鄄MS analysis摇 For the identifica鄄
tion of the components, gas鄄chromatographic analy鄄
sis was performed on a HP5890 gas chromatograph,
with FID, a split ratio 1 颐 50 using an HP鄄5 capillary
column (30 mm伊0. 32 mm伊0. 25 滋m). The oven
temperature was initially held at 80 益 and then in鄄
creased from 5 益 / min to 280 益 . The carrier gas
was nitrogen (1. 5 mL / min); the injector and detec鄄
tor temperatures were 250 益; injection volume was
5. 0 滋L. GC / MS analysis was performed with a HP6890
gas chromatograph equipped with a HP5973 mass
detector. Analytical conditions: injector and trans鄄
fer, line temperatures 250 益; oven temperature was
programmed from 80 to 260 益 at 5 益 / min; carrier
gas was helium at 1. 0 mL / min; injection volume
was 1. 0 滋L; split ratio was 1 颐 10. EI mass spec鄄
trum was collected at 70 eV ionization voltages over
the range of m / z 35-500. The ion source and qua鄄
drupole temperatures were set at 230 and 150 益,
respectively. The identification of the volatile com鄄
ponents was based on comparison of the retention
times with those of authentic samples, comparing
their Kovats indices and the mass spectra of individ鄄
ual components with the reference mass spectra in
the wiley 7n. 1.
2, 2忆鄄diphenyl鄄1鄄picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radi鄄
cal scavenging assay 摇 The DPPH assay was per鄄
formed as described in our previous paper (Gao et
al., 2008, 2010; Liu et al., 2009), and ascorbic
acid was used as positive control. Briefly, reaction
mixtures containing a MeOH solution (100 滋L) of
DPPH (100 滋M) and 2鄄fold serial dilutions of the
essential oil samples (100 滋L in MeOH, with a鄄
mounts of sample ranging from 2 to 1 000 滋g·mL-1)
were placed in a 96 well microplate and incubated at
room temperature for 15 min. After incubation, the
absorbance was read at 490 nm and the scavenging
activity was determined according to the following
equation: percentage of DPPH reduction (% ) =
[Acontrol-Asample] / Acontrol伊100. Then, a linear plot of
percentage of DPPH reduction and sample concen鄄
tration was made (correlation coef覱cient R2 = 0. 90-
1). The antioxidant activity was evaluated by SC50
values (the concentration of sample required to scav鄄
enge 50% of DPPH radicals), which were obtained
through extrapolation from the linear plot. In this as鄄
say, each sample was evaluated in triplicate and the
data presented are means 依SD of three determinations.
ABTS+radical scavenging assay 摇 As described
in literature (Chun et al., 2005; Zhu et al., 2009),
ABTS+ was prepared by reacting ABTS (7 mM, Sig鄄
ma Chemical Co. ) water solution (5 mL) with po鄄
tassium persulphate (140 mM, 88 滋L) with a ratio
of 1 颐 0. 35 and the mixture was kept in the dark at
room temperature for 12 -16 h before use. Prior to
assay, ABTS+ stock solution was diluted with MeOH
(ratio 1 颐 88) to give an absorbance at 734 nm of
0. 70依0. 02 and was equilibrated to 30 益 . ABTS+
solution (200 滋L) was added to a 96 well micro鄄
plate containing 10 滋L of each sample and incubated
at room temperature for 6 - 8 min. And the absor鄄
bance at 405 nm was immediately recorded. The
scavenging activity was determined according to the
following equation: percentage of ABTS+ reduction
(% )= [Acontrol-Asample] / Acontrol伊100. Then, a linear
plot of percentage of ABTS+ reduction and sample con鄄
centration was made (correlation coef覱cient R2 =0. 90-
1). The antioxidant activity was evaluated by SC50val鄄
ues (the concentration of sample required to scavenge
50% of ABTS+ radicals), which were obtained through
extrapolation from the linear plot. In this assay, each
sample was evaluated in triplicate and the data pres鄄
ented are means 依SD of three determinations.
Results and discussions
Volatile oils of C. taliensis摇 The percentage of
the volatile oils of the fresh tender leaves of C.
1144 期摇 摇 ZHU Li鄄Fang et al. : Chemical Compositions and Antioxidant Activity of Essential Oil from Green Tea … 摇 摇 摇
taliensis and the green tea products from its tender
and older leaves were 105 mg·kg-1 on wet weight
basis, and 300 and 200 mg·kg-1 on dry weight ba鄄
sis, respectively. The chemical compositions were
analyzed by GC and GC鄄MS. Chromatographic analy鄄
sis of the essential oils obtained by hydrodistillation
enabled the identification of 91 volatile compounds in
the three essential oils from C. taliensis (Table 1).
Fifty鄄two volatile components, accounting for
84. 82%, were identified from the essential oil of the
fresh tender leaves of C. taliensis. The detected major
constituents were hexadecanoic acid (30. 52%), li鄄
noleic acid (19. 82%), phytol (8. 75%), geraniol
(2. 54%), ethyl linolenate (2. 59%), while n鄄pen鄄
tacosane (1. 98%), methyl 9, 12, 15鄄octadecatrie鄄
noate (1. 83%), n鄄heptacosane (1. 69%), n鄄trico鄄
sane (1. 58%), linoleic acid ethyl ester (1. 45%),
琢鄄terpineol (1. 29%) and n鄄heneicosane (0. 97%)
were identified as small amount aroma.
Sixty鄄eight compounds, including 18 terpe鄄
noids, 10 ketones, 1 aromatic, 12 esters, 6 organic
acid, 11 long鄄chain hydrocarbons, 4 alcohols, 5 al鄄
dehydes and 1 heterocycle compound were character鄄
ized and represented 90. 04% of the essential oil of
green tea produced from the frsh tender leaves of C.
taliensis. In which, monoterpenoids (58. 51%) com鄄
posing of linalool (28. 43% ), hotrienol (1. 13% ),
琢鄄terpineol (11. 68% ), nerol (4. 92% ) and gera鄄
niol (12. 34% ) were the major volatile components.
In addition, the content of diterpenoid, phytol, was
up to 6. 52% . The small amount constituents were
ascribable to be 茁鄄ionone (0. 65% ), n鄄heptacosane
( 1. 09% ), 6, 10, 14鄄trimethyl鄄2鄄pentadecanone
(1. 18% ), (Z, Z, Z)鄄9, 12, 15鄄octadecatrien鄄1鄄
ol (1. 21%), nerolidol (1. 31%), n鄄pentacosane
(1. 41%), n鄄tricosane (1. 58%), and hexadecanoic
acid (3. 97% ).
Forty鄄six compounds were assigned to terpenoids
(9 peaks), alcohols (1 peak), ketones (5 peaks),
organic acids (8 peaks), aromatics (2 peaks), es鄄
ters (8 peaks), amides (1 peak), and long鄄chain
hydrocarbons (12 peaks), whose constitutes took
96. 50% of the essential oil of green tea produced
from the older leaves of C. taliensis. Among them,
organic acid, alcohols and diterpenoids were domi鄄
nant compositions on the basic of n鄄hexadecanoic
acid (41. 6% ), linoleic acid (16. 0% ), (Z, Z,
Z)鄄9, 12, 15鄄octadecatrien鄄1鄄ol (11. 2%), and phytol
(14. 2%). The small amount remainders were char鄄
acterized to be hexahydrofarnesyl acetone (2. 2% ),
isophytol (1. 0% ), tetradecanoic acid (0. 79% )
and other type of compounds.
The major volatile components in the fresh tender
leaves of C. taliensis were organic acid (50. 34% )
and diterpenoids (8. 75% ), while monoterpenoids
(58. 51% ) together with diterpenoids ( 6. 52% )
were found to be the major ones in its green tea
product. From the fresh tender leaves to its green tea
products, 28 constituents referring to seven terpe鄄
noids (peaks 3, 4, 8, 10, 13, 19, 29), eight ke鄄
tons ( peaks 27, 30, 31, 32, 37, 46, 64, 87),
one aromatics (peak 53), one ester (peak 70), two
long鄄chain hydrocarbons (peaks 33, 80), five alco鄄
hols ( peaks 1, 7, 9, 49, 77 ), three aldehydes
(peaks 14, 25, 43 ), and one heterocycle com鄄
pound ( peak 17) were formed. Among then, the
content of (Z, Z, Z)鄄9, 12, 15鄄octadecatrien鄄1鄄ol
(peak 77) was up to 1. 21% . It is also found in the
green tea product produced from the older leaves.
(Z, Z, Z)鄄9, 12, 15鄄octadecatrien鄄1鄄ol should be
the characteristic aroma in the green tea products of
C. taliensis. On the other hand, 12 minor aroma
constituents ( peaks 2, 11, 16, 21, 24, 40, 44,
58, 59, 66, 82, 84) in the fresh tender leaves of
C. taliensis were disappeared after the green tea
product was formed. Compared with the green tea
product produced from tender leaves, the one from
older leave has less aroma constituents.
It is worthy of note that the contents of lina鄄
lool (28. 43% ), hotrienol (1. 13% ), 琢鄄terpineol
(11. 68%), nerol (4. 92%) and geraniol (12. 34%)
in the essential oil of green tea produced from the
tender leaves of C. taliensis were much higher than
those of its original fresh material, while the contents
214摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 第 34 卷
Table 1摇 Volatile constituents of fresh leaves of Camellia taliensis and its green tea products
Peaks Retation time/ min Components
Percentage / %
1 3. 91 1鄄octen鄄3鄄ol — 0. 329 —
2 4. 18 (E, E)鄄2, 4鄄heptadienal 0. 096 — —
3 5. 51 cis鄄linalool oxide — 0. 439 —
4 5. 91 trans鄄linalool oxide — 0. 264 —
5 6. 21 linalool 0. 638 28. 434 0. 202
6 6. 25 hotrienol 0. 105 1. 126 —
7 6. 40 benzeneethanol — 0. 074 —
8 7. 15 nerol oxide — 0. 123 —
9 7. 46 1鄄nonanal — 0. 207 —
10 7. 73 4鄄terpineol — 0. 257 —
11 7. 83 2, 6鄄dimethyl鄄3, 7鄄octadiene鄄2, 6鄄diol 0. 135 — —
12 8. 14 琢鄄terpineol 1. 293 11. 68 0. 283
13 8. 27 safranal — 0. 336 —
14 8. 72 2, 6, 6鄄trimethyl鄄1鄄cyclohexene鄄1鄄carboxaldehyde — 0. 227 —
15 8. 89 nerol 0. 570 4. 922 0. 072
16 8. 90 2, 3鄄epoxygeranial 0. 086 — —
17 9. 14 5鄄methyl鄄isothiazole — 0. 351 —
18 9. 58 geraniol 2. 544 12. 341 0. 448
19 9. 66 trans鄄2鄄decenal — 0. 596 —
20 9. 94 nonanoic acid 0. 272 0. 434 0. 675
21 10. 02 3, 7鄄dimethylocta鄄1, 7鄄dien鄄3, 6鄄diol 0. 141 — —
22 10. 36 (E, E)鄄2, 4鄄decadienal 0. 081 0. 091 —
23 11. 84 geranic acid 0. 165 0. 100 0. 092
24 11. 87 3, 7鄄dimethyl鄄1, 5鄄octadien鄄3, 7鄄diol 0. 097 — —
25 12. 02 undecenal — 0. 244 —
26 12. 11 decanoic acid 0. 120 0. 069 0. 120
27 12. 61 茁鄄damascenone — 0. 114 —
28 12. 96 cis鄄jasmone 0. 075 0. 442 0. 045
29 13. 54 trans鄄caryophyllene — 0. 185 —
30 13. 65 琢鄄ionone — 0. 181 —
31 13. 75 2, 3鄄dehydro鄄琢鄄ionone — 0. 157 —
32 14. 18 (E)鄄geranylacetone — 0. 541 —
33 14. 35 hexadecane — 0. 196 —
34 15. 00 undecanoic acid — — 0. 052
35 15. 05 茁鄄ionone 0. 079 0. 646 —
36 15. 15 2, 6鄄di( t鄄butyl)鄄4鄄hydroxy鄄4鄄methyl鄄2, 5鄄cyclohexadiene鄄1鄄one — — 0. 056
37 15. 18 2鄄tridecanone — 0. 181 —
38 15. 50 E, E鄄琢鄄farnesene 0. 129 0. 363 —
39 16. 40 4鄄methyl鄄2, 6鄄di鄄tert鄄butylphenol — — 0. 152
40 16. 69 dodecanoic acid 0. 125 — 0. 161
41 16. 83 nerolidol 0. 608 1. 308 0. 322
42 17. 02 cis鄄3鄄hexenyl benzoate 0. 075 0. 334 —
43 17. 41 2鄄methyl鄄4鄄(2, 6, 6鄄trimethyl鄄1鄄cyclohexen鄄1鄄yl)鄄2鄄butenal — 0. 305 —
44 17. 83 琢鄄cedrol 0. 065 — —
45 19. 23 (Z)鄄salicylic acid 3鄄hexenyl ester 0. 110 0. 451 —
46 19. 80 2鄄pentadecanone — 0. 244 —
47 20. 34 (E, E)鄄3, 7, 11鄄trimethyl鄄2, 6, 10鄄dodecatrien鄄1鄄ol 0. 419 0. 304 —
48 20. 50 heptadecane — — 0. 168
3144 期摇 摇 ZHU Li鄄Fang et al. : Chemical Compositions and Antioxidant Activity of Essential Oil from Green Tea … 摇 摇 摇
Continued table 1
Peaks Retation time/ min Components
Percentage / %
49 20. 57 3, 7, 11鄄trimethyl鄄1鄄dodecanol — 0. 127 —
50 20. 62 2, 6, 10, 14鄄tetramethyl鄄pentadecane — — 0. 078
51 21. 17 tetradecanoic acid 0. 588 0. 222 0. 789
52 21. 32 benzyl benzoate 0. 067 0. 077 —
53 21. 62 phenanthrene — 0. 364 0. 122
54 22. 47 isopropyl myristate 0. 078 0. 082 —
55 22. 64 octadecane — — 0. 239
56 22. 84 2, 6, 10, 14鄄tetramethyl鄄hexadecane — — 0. 161
57 22. 90 6, 10, 14鄄trimethyl鄄2鄄pentadecanone 0. 260 1. 183 2. 189
58 23. 17 pentadecanoic acid 0. 201 — 0. 276
59 23. 39 9鄄nonadecene 0. 265 — —
60 23. 44 benzyl salicylate 0. 322 0. 161 —
61 23. 48 neophytadiene — — 0. 287
62 23. 70 isobutyl phthalate — — 0. 444
63 23. 96 nonadecane 0. 797 0. 204 0. 302
64 24. 39 farnesyl acetone — 0. 195 0. 216
65 24. 49 methyl palmitate 0. 147 0. 126 0. 456
66 24. 81 9鄄hexadecenoic acid 0. 390 — —
67 24. 93 isophytol 0. 199 0. 241 1. 013
68 25. 33 dibutyl phthalate — — 0. 647
69 25. 54 hexadecanoic acid 30. 524 3. 968 41. 551
70 26. 53 farnesol — 0. 091 —
71 26. 65 geranyl linalool isomer — — 0. 398
72 27. 71 methyl linoleate 0. 741 0. 268 0. 242
73 27. 80 n鄄heneicosane 0. 970 0. 303 0. 255
74 27. 85 methyl 9, 12, 15鄄octadecatrienoate 1. 834 0. 601 0. 699
75 28. 16 phytol 8. 752 6. 521 14. 188
76 28. 48 linoleic acid 19. 824 0. 422 16. 006
77 28. 65 (Z, Z, Z)鄄9, 12, 15鄄octadecatrien鄄1鄄ol — 1. 209 11. 205
78 28. 95 linoleic acid ethyl ester 1. 454 0. 099 —
79 29. 06 ethyl linolenate 2. 587 0. 178 —
80 29. 57 n鄄docosane — 0. 121 0. 510
81 31. 32 n鄄tricosane 1. 577 1. 575 0. 293
82 31. 68 2鄄ethylhexyl p鄄methoxycinnamate 0. 141 — —
83 32. 23 4, 8, 12, 16鄄tetramethylheptadecan鄄4鄄olide 0. 170 0. 112 0. 163
84 32. 33 (Z)鄄9鄄octadecenamide 0. 404 — 0. 083
85 32. 94 n鄄tetracosane 0. 168 0. 169 0. 077
86 34. 55 n鄄pentacosane 1. 979 1. 407 0. 278
87 34. 73 2鄄nonadecanone — 0. 075 —
88 35. 30 bis (2鄄ethylhexyl) phthalate — — 0. 131
89 36. 05 hexacosane 0. 146 0. 072 —
90 37. 72 n鄄heptacosane 1. 685 1. 092 0. 149
91 39. 01 neryl 2鄄methylpropanoate — — 0. 083
92 39. 93 bis (2鄄ethylhexyl) sebacate 0. 340 0. 081 0. 089
93 42. 08 nonacosane 0. 182 0. 096 —
Sum 84. 820 90. 038 96. 467
A: fresh tender leaves of C. taliensis; B: green tea produced from tender leaves C. taliensis; C: green tea produced from older leaves of C. taliensis;
—: not detected
414摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 植 物 分 类 与 资 源 学 报摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 摇 第 34 卷
of hexadecanoic acid ( 30. 52% ), linoleic acid
(19. 82% ), phytol (8. 75% ) and ethyl linolenate
(2. 59%) in the fresh tender leaves were conversely
higher than those in its green tea products. The result
indicated that the aroma constituents of C. taliensis
were changed during the green tea making process.
The essential oil of green tea produced from C.
taliensis was different from those of the cultivated tea
plants (C. sinensis and C. sinensis var. assamica).
Compared with the previous report about the essen鄄
tial oil of green tea produced from C. sinensis (Gong
et al. , 2009; Tian et al. , 2007) , (Z, Z, Z)鄄9,
12, 15鄄octadecatrien鄄1鄄ol ( 11. 2% ) and linoleic
acid (16. 0% ) were the characteristic of C. talien鄄
sis. However, linalool, cis鄄jasmone, 茁鄄lonone, ge鄄
raniol, caryophyllene oxide, and caryophyllen were
rich constituents in the green tea produced from C.
sinensis, while these compositions were lower in the
green tea produced from C. taliensis. In addition,
the content of n鄄hexadecanoic acid (41. 6% ), phy鄄
tol (14. 2% ), linoleic acid (16. 0% ), and (Z,
Z, Z)鄄9, 12, 15鄄 octadecatrien鄄1鄄ol ( 11. 2% )
were higher than those of C. sinensis var. assamica,
while the content of linalool and 琢鄄terpineol were
lower than the cultivated tea plants (An and Guo,
1997; Zhou et al. , 2006).
Antioxidant activity of the volatile oils of C.
taliensis摇 The antioxidant activity of the volatile oils
from the fresh tender leaves of C. taliensis and the
green tea products were tested by DPPH and ABTS+
assays, and the results were shown in Table 2. All
the essential oils of C. taliensis showed moderate an鄄
tioxidant activity, which were weaker than those of
(-)鄄epicatechin, one of the major phenolic constit鄄
uents in C. taliensis, and other three positive con鄄
trols, gallic acid, trolox, and ascorbic acid. What爷s
more, the antioxidant activity of the oil of green tea
produced from older leaves of C. taliensis were stron鄄
ger than that of the oils of the fresh tender leaves and
its green tea products, and the oil of fresh tender
leaves exhibited the weakest antioxidant activity.
The result suggested that the antioxidant activity of
C. taliensis should mainly arise from the non鄄volatile
In summary, the essential oils of the fresh leaves
of C. taliensis and its green tea products were very
different. Higher volatiles were detected in the green
tea products obtained from non鄄fermentation tea pro鄄
cessing process. The aroma constituents of C. talien鄄
sis were changed during the processing process. In
addition, the collecting time was also important for
the aroma of tea, and tender leaves of C. taliensis are
better for making green tea. The DPPH and ABTS+
radical scavenging assays demonstrated a moderate
antioxidant activities of the essential oils from the
fresh leaves of C. taliensis and its green tea products.
This could be concluded that the antioxidant property
of green tea produced from C. taliensis was dominant鄄
ly due to the rich content of 覲avan鄄3鄄ols and hydro鄄
lysable tannins.
Table 2摇 Antioxidant activity of the volatile oils from Camellia taliensis
SC50(滋g·mL-1) c
SC50(滋g·mL-1) c
Volatile oil of fresh tender leaves of C. taliensis >1000 >1000
Volatile oil of green tea produced from the tender leaves 129. 3依9. 0 138. 1依1. 3
Volatile oil of green tea produced from the older leaves 308. 2依10. 1 374. 6依6. 7
Ascorbic acid 5. 8依0. 1 21. 4依0. 1
Gallic acid 0. 6依0. 1 8. 3依0. 4
(-)鄄Epicatechin 2. 5依0. 1 9. 4依0. 7
Trolox 8. 9依0. 8 35. 2依1. 7
a SC50 =concentration in 滋g·mL-1 required to scavenge 50% of DPPH radical; b SC50 = concentration in 滋g·mL-1 required to scavenge 50% of
ABTS+ radical; c Values represent means 依SD (n=3)
5144 期摇 摇 ZHU Li鄄Fang et al. : Chemical Compositions and Antioxidant Activity of Essential Oil from Green Tea … 摇 摇 摇
Acknowledgements: The authors are grateful to the staffs of
the analytical group at State Key Laboratory of Phytochemistry
& Plant Resources in West China, Kunming Institute of Bota鄄
ny, Chinese Academy of Sciences, for measuring GC and
GC鄄MS analyses.
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