摘 要 :香茶菜(Rabdosia amethystoides(Benth.)C.Y.Wu et Hsuan),又名铁棱角、蛇总管、铁了角等,广泛分布于河南、湖北、江苏、浙江、广西等省。全草具抗菌消炎等作用,民间用于治疗跌打损伤、蛇伤、疮毒、消炎退烧以及抗肿瘤等。近年来,李广义,程培元和王光荣等先后对江苏、安微等地的香茶菜进行了化学成份的研究。为了进一步探讨其生理活性成份,我们对河南省新县地区产的香茶菜进行了研究。从叶的乙醚提取物中分离到了两种新的ent-Kaurem型二萜昔味成份,分别命名为香茶菜醛(amethystonal)和香茶菜酸(amethystonoic aci)。这是从香茶菜属植物中首次分离到的碳12-和18-位同时被氧化的新化合物。
Abstract:Amethystonal and amethystonoic acid, two New diterpenoids were isolated from Rbdosia amethystoides (Beath.) C. Y. Wu et Hsuen. collected in Xin- Xan, Honan. From spectroscopic evidences and chemical reactions the structures of the amethystonal and amethystonoic acid have been established as ent-7β, 12β, 14α-tri-hydroxy-18-ald-16- (I ) and ent-7β, 12β, 14α- tri--hydroxy-18-Carboxy-16-Kauren (Ⅳ), respectively. These two new compounds (I ) and (Ⅳ) appear to be the first 12-and 18-simultaneously oxy- genated ent-kaurenoids from Rabdosia plants.