Influence of Huanglian and Berberine on the Erythrocytic Osmotic Fragilitas of Experimental Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) Deficiency in Rats
Abstract:Objective:To make clear the influence of Huanglian (Coptis chinensis) and berberine on the erythrocytic osmotic fragilitas of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase(G6PD) deficiency in rats,so as to infer whether Huanglian and berberine have medicamentosus hemolysis effects.Method:Huanglian decoction and berberine solution are applied to the erythrocytes of G6PD deficiency in rats through external and oral administration and the erythrocytic osmotic fragilitas is measured.Result:Only at an excessively high dose can the medicines raise the erythrocytic osmotic fragilitas of G6PD deficiency in rats.Berberine and Huanglian have similar effects,but berberine is slightly weaker.Conclusion:Focus on the erythrocytic osmotic fragilitas,at a general dose,Huanglian can not cause hemolysis.Huanglian and berberine are of more safety to normal erythrocytes.