全 文 :广 西 植 物 Guihaia 27(5):775— 779 2007年 9月
⋯ l ● · ·· n一 一 btuay on changes in concentrations of tour endogenous
fruit growth and development
XIAO Jia-Xin 一,PENG Shu-Ang2
(1-College of Life Sciences,Anhui Normal University,Anhui Provincial Key lab of the Conservation and Exploitation of
Biological Resources,Wuhu 241000,China 2.Key l aboratory of Horticultural Plant Biology,Ministry of Ed“cati0 .
Colege of Horticulture and Forestry Sciences,Huazhong Agricultural University,Wuhan 430070,China)
Abstract:Changes in concentrations of indol一3一acetic acid(IAA),abscisic acid(ABA),gibberellin (GAl/3)
and ribosylzeatin(ZR)were investigated in different fruit positions(rind.pulp and seed)during fruit growth
and development of parthenocarpic‘Guoqing 1’satsuma mandarin and self—pol linated‘Huanong Bendizao’tan—
gerine,The results were showed that concentrations of IAA,GA1/a and ZR in the rind of‘Guoqing 1’were rel—
atively high during young fruit growth,and then IAA in the rind and pulp was decreased progressively,where—
as significant peaks were observed for ABA in the pulp and GA1/a,ZR in the rind and pulp during fruit en.
1argement,and ABA concentrations were obviously increased in the rind and pulp during fruit maturation
. In
‘Huanong Bendizao’,notable peaks were found for IAA in the seed,rind and pulp and seed ABA at the stage
of fruit enlargement,GA1/a and ZR concentrations in the seed were relatively high and significantly increased
during fruitlet growth and early fruit enlargement,whereas the levels of four endogenous hormones in the rind
and pulp were relatively low and changed a little as time passed. Relationship between fruit growth and deve1一
opment and dynamics of endogenous IAA,ABA,GA1/a and ZR concentrations in different fruit parts was dis~
cussed herein.
Key words:Citrus(Citrus reticulata Blanco);fruit;endogenous hormone
CLC Number:Q945.6 Document Code:A Article ID:1000—3142(2007)05~0775~05
Endogenous hormones accumulation in fruit
plays important roles in fruit growth and develop—
ment and the processes of some other physiological
metabolism. Generally,the growth of seedless
fruits depends upon the growth hormone in the o—
vary(fruitlet),while fertilization can promote the
increase of the growth hormones content,which
can accelerate fruit growth and development
. The
change rules in endogenous hormones concentra~
tions in fruit or ovary(fruitlet)during fruit devel~
opment have been reported so much (Kondo et
口Z.,2001;Kojima et a1.,1 994,1996,1999;Pozo,
2001;Zhang et a1.,1994;Chen et a1.,2002;Xiao et
口Z.,2004),whereas the changes in endogenous
hormones in different fruit parts from different
types of fruits have seldom been reported.Thus,in
this study,parthenocarpy and self—pollinated citrus
were taken as experimental materials,changes in
Received date:2006—07—10 Accepted date:2006—12—07
Foundation item:Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(3O27O924);the National Sc ience Foundation of Educati0n
Department of Anhui Province(2006KJ184B);the Foundation of Provincial Key Lab of Biotic Environment and Ecological Safety in Anhui
Biography:XIAO Jia-Xin(1970一),male,Born in Luotian County of Hubei Province,Associate professor,Ph.D,mainly study on horticultural
plants physiology.
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776 广 西 植 物 27卷
concentrations of four endogenous hormones such
as IAA,ABA,GAl/3 and ZR in the structura1 parts
of fruit were comparatively determined and ana—
lysed during the growing days,with the aim of pro—
bing into the relationship between the two different
fruits growth and development and changes in con—
centrations of endogenous hormones.
1 Materials and methods
The experiment was conducted on 1 0— year— old
trees of‘Guoqing l’satsuma mandarin and self~pol—
linated‘Huanong Bendizao’tangerine grafted on
trifoliate orange(Poncirus trifoliata Raf.)grow—
ing at the experimental orchard of Huazhong Agri—
cultural University (three blocks of five trees for
each cultivar). The trees were received the same
orchard management program.Fruits were collect—
ed from 50 days after ful1 bloom (DAFB)to fina1
harvest,and were sampled every half a month.2—
5 fruits were collected from each tree at each har—
vest.Fruits were representative of average size of
fruits on each tree.After being sampled,the fruits
and the component parts of fruit(rind,pulp and
seed) were immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen
and stored at一40℃ for analysis.
Endogenous phytohormones (IAA,ABA,
GA1/3 and ZRs)in the rind,pulp and seed of citrus
fruit were measured by enzyme linked immunosor—
bent assay (ELISA) according to the method of
W u (1 988).The ELISA reagent were supplied by
Nanjing Agricultural University.
2 Results and analysis
2.1 Changes in IAA concentrations in fruit during
fruit growth and development
IAA concentrations were relatively high at 50
days after ful1 bloom (DAFB) in the rind from
‘Guoqing l’.and increased to peak at 65 DAFB,
thereafter decreased rapidly and came to 2.1 nmol/
g at 9 5 DAFB,then changed a little as the season
progress.Pulp IAA concentration was 5.5 nmol/g
at 50 DAFB,and then gradually decreased (Fig.1:
In‘Huanong Bendizao’,IAA concentrations
remained constant during 6 5~ 1 25 DAFB in the
seed,whereas dramatically rose to peak of 10.1
nmol/g at 1 40 DAFB. Rind IAA were relatively
low during 5O— l10 DAFB,and began to rise at 125
DAFB and reached peak of 5.0 nmol/g at 140
DAFB,followed by a decrease,except for an obvi—
OUS increase at final harvest time. W hereas pulp
IAA changed slightly during 50——80 DAFB,and
presented peaks of 6.1 and 4.4 nmol/g at 11O
DAFB and 140 DAFB,respectively (Fig.1:B).
In addition,it was shown that IAA concentra—
tions in fruit from ‘Guoqing 1’were relatively high
at the stage of fruitlet growth (50— 80 DAFB),
IAA concentrations were significantly higher in the
rind than in the pulp,while the peaks of IAA con—
centration in fruit from ‘H uanong Bendizao’were
presented at the stage of fruit enlargement(eg.at
l4ODAFB),and seed IAA concentration was the
highest among them.
Days after fuI I bIOOm
Fig.1 Changes of IAA concentrations in different fruit
positions(rind,pulp and seed)during citrus fruit
growth and development of‘Guoqing 1’(A)
and‘Huanong Bendizao’(B)
2.2 Changes in ABA concentrations in fruit during
fruit growth and development
As shown in figure 2一A,ABA concentrations
一 E 亡 _ .1oEu)c0 芒 oc0o《《
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in the rind and pulp from ‘Guoqing 1’were 0.7
and 0.4 nmol/g at 50 DAFB,respectively,and then
both decreased.Rind ABA concentrations were a—
round 0.4 nmol/g during 65—1 40 DAFB,but grad—
ually increased to 0.8 nmol/g from 155 DAFB to
fina1 harvest. W hereas pulp ABA concentration
decreased to 0.2 nmol/g at 95 DAFB,followed by
an increase to 0.7 nmol/g,although a decrease at
1 55 DAFB was observed.
ABA concentrations in the seed from ‘Hua—
nong Bendizao’remained relatively steady during
65一 llO DAFB,and began to rise at 125 DAFB and
came to peak of 3.1 nmol/g at 140 DAFB,thereaft—
er presented decreasing trend.ABA in the rind and
pulp remained relatively low during 50 — 1 4O
DAFB,while progressively increased to 2.7 nmol/g
from 155DAFB to final harvest(Fig.2:B).
Days after fuI I bIoom
Fig.2 Changes of ABA concentrations in different fruit
positions(rind,pulp and seed)during citrus fruit
growth and development of‘Guoqing 1’(A)
and‘Huanong Bendizao’(B)
2.3 Changes in GA,/3 concentrations in fruit during
fruit growth and development
GA1/3 concentrations were relatively high in
the rind from ‘Guoqing 1’during 50— 65 DAFB,
and obviously decreased at 8O DAFB,thereafter re—
mained at relatively low levels up to final harvest,
although an obvious increase was detected at 95
DAFB.Pulp GA1/3 concentrations changed slightly
and their values were relatively low throughout the
growing season,with the exception of that the two
small peaks were found at 8O DAFB and 1 40
GA1/3 in the seed from ‘Huanong Bendizao’
were relatively high and changed little during 6 5-——
95 DAFB,while peaks were present at 110 DAFB,
thereafter progressively decreased up to 1 40
DAFB,followed by a slight increase. W hereas
GA1/3 concentrations were relatively low and re—
mained relatively stable in the rind and pulp
throughout fruit development(Fig.3:B).
30 60 90 1 20 1 50 1 80 21 0
Days afte r fuI I bIoom
Fig.3 Changes of GAI/a concentrations in different
fruit positions(rind,pulp and seed)during citrus
fruit growth and development of‘Guoqing
1’(A)and‘Huanong Bendizao’(B)
2.4 Changes in ZR concentrations in fruit during
fruit growth and development
There were not obvious change rules in ZR
concentrations in the rind and pulp.For example,
rind ZR presented peaks at 65 DAFB and 155
DAFB,respectively. Increases were also detected
for pulp ZR at 95 DAFB and 155 DAFB,respec—
tively.Furthermore,the concentrations and fluctu—
ations of ZR were smaller in the pulp than in the
ZR concentrations in the seed from ‘Huanong
Bendizao’were relatively high,for instance,seed
ZR was 0.7nmol/g at 65 DAFB,and increased to
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778 广 西 植 物 27卷
peak of 1.1 nmol/g at 8O DAFB,thereafter gradu—
ally decreased to 0.02nmol/g at 125 DAFB and
then kept relatively constant.W hile ZR in the rind
and pulp were relatively low and changed slightly
during the growing season.In addition,ZR concen—
trations were much higher in the seed than in the
rind and pulp.
0 1
0 06
0 8
0 4
0 2
30 60 90 1 2O
Days afte r fu
150 180 210
bl oom
Fig.4 Changes of ZR concentrations in different fruit
positions(rind,pulp and seed)during citrus
fruit growth and development of‘Guoqing 1’
(A)and ‘Huanong Bendizao’(B)
3 Discussion
The fruit growth curves of‘Guoqing 1’and
‘Huanong Bendizao’were similar and could be di—
vided into three stages:stage of fruitlet growth
(before 8O DAFB),stage of fruit enlargement(from
8O DAFB to 140 DAFB)and stage of fruit matura—
tion(from 140 DAFB to final harvest)(Xiao etⅡ .,
2004a,2004b). The present research shows that
IAA、GA1 and ZR in the rind from parthenocarpic
‘Guoqing 1’were relatively high or presented
peaks during 50—65 DAFB (Fig.1,2,3),which is
the same physiological process that terminates
fruitlet growth and initiates fruit extension,which
indicated that growth hormones accumulation in
the rind play important roles on fruit set and fruit
growth and enlargement during this period,in ac—
cordance with the result on seedless persimmon by
Kojima(1999)and on parthenocarpic‘Kamei’sat—
suma mandarin by Xiao et a1. (2005).In this ex—
periment,it’s manifested that ABA and GAl/3 in
the pulp and ZR in the rind and pulp presented ob—
vious increases during fruit enlargement(Fig.2,3,
4),which is in harmony with fruit extension and
growth at this time.It’s reported that ABA relat—
ed to substance conversion in fruit,sugar accumu—
lation and initiation of fruit maturation (Chen et
Ⅱ .,2002),So,it was speculated that the conspicu—
OUS increase of ABA concentrations in the pulp at
the stage of fruit enlargement maybe relate to a—
bove mentioned mechanism.W hereas ABA in the
rind and pulp obviously increased during fruit mat—
uration (Fig.2),which was indicated that fruit
maturation and senescence initiated with ABA in—
crease at this time,in agreement with previous re—
search on other species(Kojima et al ,1994,1996,
1999;Chen et a1.,2002).
It was revealed that there were relationships
between IAA and GA and ovary(fruitlet)growth
and enlargement(Kojima etⅡf.,1994;Pozo,2001;
Xiao et a1.,2004).It was shown that IAA in the
seed,rind and pulp and ABA in the seed from self~
pollinated‘Huanong Bendizao’presented significant
peaks during fruit enlargement(Fig.1,2),which
manifested that IAA was in relation to fruit growth
and development.and ABA maybe play important
roles in modulating substance conversion in fruit,
such as starch and sugar were accumulated etc.
Thus,it was speculated that it was very important
to keep balance between IAA and ABA .which
maybe modulate fruit growth and development.In
the present work,it was found that GAl/3 and ZR
in the seed from‘Huanong Bendizao were at rela—
tively high levels during 6 5—1 10 DAFB(from the
stage of fruitlet growth to the early stage of fruit
enlargement),whereas IAA and ABA in the seed
were relatively low (Fig.1,2,3,4),which showed
that fruit growth mainly relate to GAl/3 and ZR at
the early stage,thereafter fruit enlargement and
growth and carbohydrate accumulation were main一
一 mE 0亡 卜暑 loEu)co BJ芒00co0
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lY correlated with IAA and ABA at the latter
stage. The results were demonstrated that peaks
of seed GA1/3 and ZR concentrations at the early
stage and seed IAA and ABA concentrations dur—
ing fruit enlargement were obvious higher than
those in the rind and pulp,endogenous hormones
levels in the rind and pulp were relatively low and
changed slightly as the time progress(Fig.1,2,3,
4),which was not only shown that seed produce
many different hormones with the seed growth and
development,which can maintain a certain metabo—
lism intensity in fruit and keep carbohydrate to ef—
fuse progressively into fruit from source parts,but
also was indicated that the differences of endoge—
nous hormones in the two types of citrus fruits
should relate to different fruit types (seed and
seedless)and different courses of fruits growth and
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(1.安徽师范大学 生命科学学院 重要生物资源保护与利用研究安徽省重点实验室 ,安徽 芜湖 241000;
2.华中农业大学 园艺林学学院 园艺植物生物学教育部重点实验室,武汉 430070)
摘 要:以单性结实的国庆 1号温州蜜柑和自花结实的华农本地早橘为材料,研究了果实生长发育过程中果
实不同部位的吲哚乙酸(IAA)、脱落酸(ABA)、赤霉素(GA1/3)和玉米素核苷 (ZR)含 量的变化。结果表明:
(1)国庆1号果皮 IAA、OA~/s和ZR含量在幼果阶段均相对较高,随后果皮和果肉IAA含量均趋下降,而在果
均明显回升。(2)华农本地早种子、果皮和果肉IAA及其种子 ABA含量均在果实膨大期内出现明显峰值,在
幼果阶段至果实膨大初期内种子 GA]/3和ZR含量均居较高并出现明显上升,对应的果皮、果肉4种内源激素
水平均相对较低且变幅小。还就两结实类型柑橘果实生长发育与其内源IAA、ABA、GA1/3和 ZR含量动态的
关系进行了讨论 。
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