Ultrastructural Observations on Megasporogenesis in Doritis pulcherrima (Orchidaceae) THE CORRELATION BETWEEN MICRO AND MEGA SPOROGENESIS‘S DEVELOPMENT AND MORPHOLOGY OF FLOWER ORGAN OF TETRAPLOID BLACK LOCUST 黄进华 Electron Microscopic Observation of Symbiotic Relationship Between Azolla and Anabaena During the Megaspore Germination and the Sporeling Development of Azolla Study on the Development of Ovule and Female Gametophyte in Alpinia henryi Spore Morphology of Pteridophytes from China ⅩⅣ.Selaginellaceae Mega-microsporogenesis and the development of female-male gametophyte in Aspidistra retusa Ultrastructural Observation on Embryo Sac Development in Phaius tankervilliae (Aiton)Bl. Genesis of microspore, megaspore and the development of male gametophyte, female gametophyte in Diphylleia sinensis Morphological Studies on Megaspore Formation in Ginkgo biloba Ultrastructural Studies on Megaspore Formation in Ginkgo biloba The development of megasporogenesis and the formation of female gametophyte in Dysosma versipellis ECOLOGICAL ANALYSIS ON SEXUAL REPRODUCTIVE PRODUCE AND ENDANGERED REASON OF RHODIOLA SACHALINENSIS STUDIES ON THE MEGASPOROGENESIS AND MICROSPOROGENESIS AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF THEIR FEMALE AND MALE GAMETOPHYTE IN ELEUTHEROCOCCUS BRACHYPUS MICROSPOROGENESIS, MEGASPOROGENESIS AND THE FORMATION OF MALE AND FEMALE GAMETOPHYTE IN SARUMA HENRYI OLIV. Megasporogenesis, Development of Megagametophyte and Embryo in Flaveria bidentis (L.) Kuntze Characteristics of Megaspore and Microspore Development and Flowering Habits of New Elymus canadensis L. Strain Ovule Development and Seed Formation of Calanthe tsoongiana T.Tang et F.T.Wang Microsporogenesis, Megasporogenesis and the Formation of Male and Female Gametophyte in Coix lacryma-jobi L. Megasporogenesis, Microsporogenesis and Development of Female and Male Gametophyte in Siraitia grovenorii Megasporogenesis and Gametophyte Microsporogensis as Well as Male and Female Gametophyte Development of Saposhnikovia divaricata Female gametogeny,fertilization,embryogeny of Larix chinensis and it‘‘‘‘s systematic significance STUDIES ON THE MEGAGAMETOPHYTE DEVELOPMENT IN PANAX JAPONICUS C.A.MEY Embryology of Astragalus mongholicus Bge. New Observation of Megaspore Morphological Characteristics in Isoetes yunguiensis Embryological Study on Mosla chinensis (Lamiaceae) MEGA- AND MICROSPOROGENESIS AND DEVELOPMENT OF FEMALE AND MALE GAMETOPHYTES IN ANOECTOCHILUS ROXBURGHII (ORCHIDACEAE) MICROSPOROGENESIS, MEGASPOROGENESIS AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF MALE AND FEMALE GAMETOPHYTE IN ALLIUM CHINENSE G.DON