The Correlation Between the Substrate Enzymatic Activities and Purification of Wastewater in the Integrated Vertical Constructed Wetland Distribution,migration and purifying effect of cadmium in artificial Avicennia marina wetland system Response surface optimization of purification process for pigment from Coreopsis tinctoria by macroporous resins Optimization for purifying technology of Nelumubinis Plumula extract with chitosan by comparison of orthogonal design and response surface method Research on Starch Phosphorylase Purification and Enzymatic Properties in Bulbs of Lilium Research on Starch Phosphorylase Purification and Enzymatic Properties in Bulbs of Lilium Primary Studies of Acarocidal Activity of Wikstroemia chamedaphne against Tetranychus viennensis Effect of chitosan on flocculation impurity removal of extract from Xiao’er Kechuanling Oral Liquid Studies on application of ultra-filtration to purifying polysaccharides
from Rhubarb

A study on resistance and purifying ability of SO2 on four warm-season turfgrasses Rapid quality control in purifying process of Paeoniae Alba Radix extract using near infrared spectroscopy Investigation on inhibition of HIVⅢB virus with extractions of Juglans regia Studies on the Proteoglycans Isolated from the Wild Lactarius deliciosus and Lactarius hatsudak Pur if ica tion of Phenyla lan ine Ammon ia-lya se in Ca ragana korsh inskii Juven ile Purifying service of ecosystem and its value Effect of Tropical Mountain Rainforest Ecosystem on Water Quality of Precipitation Comparative study on the ability which utilized hydrophytes purify polluted water of river Extraction and Separation of Alfalfa Flavonoids Potential of purifying SO2 of main tree species and their planting quota in Shenyang area Effect of earthworms on the photosynthetic characteristics of wetland plants and their capacity to purify wastewater Studies on the Proteoglycans Isolated from the Wild Lactarius deliciosus and Lactarius hatsudak Purifying process of water-extract solution of Danshen Optimization for purifying technology of Nelumubinis Plumula extract with chitosan by comparison of orthogonaldesign and response surface method

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