Isolation and Expression Analysis of a cDNA Encoding GlutathionePeroxidase from Banana Isolation and Expression Analysis of a cDNA Encoding GlutathionePeroxidase from Banana Cloning and Prokaryotic Expression of Dd-Gpx from Ditylenchus destructor Study on preventing effects of procyanidins on selenite cataract development in rats Mitochondrial GPX1 silencing triggers differential photosynthesis impairment in response to salinity in rice plants Studies on the Effect of Chinese Beauty berry (Callicarpa cathayana) on Antilipid Peroxidation Functional Divergence of Two Glutathione Peroxidase Genes in Oryza sativa Effect of Boschniakia rossica Extract on Antioxidative Activities in Rat Hepatic Preneoplasia Induced by Diethylnitrosamine Studies on the Antioxidative Effect of Constituents of Herba Epimedii (ESPS) Effect of ginsenoside Rb1 on central oxidative stress of rats with postoperative fatigue syndrome Effects of temperature and salinity on the activities of antioxidant enzymes and lipid peroxidation of Daphniopsis tibetana Sars Progress in Selenium Metabolism and Accumulation and Key Enzymes in Plants Functional Divergence and Catalytic Properties of Glutathione Peroxidase Family from Physcomitrella patens Cloning of PgGPX Gene in Pomegranate and Its Expression Analysis under Salt Stress

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