Effect of autophagy on reversing multidrug resistance of phenylpropanoid glycosides Studies on the Chemical Constituents from the Water-Soluble Part of Euphrasia regelii HPLC determination of iridoid glycosides and phenylethanoid glycosides in roots of Lamiophlomis rotata Determination of iridoid glycosides and phenylethanoid glycosides in the roots of Lamiophlomis rotata by HPLC Chemical constituents from acetyl acetate extract fraction of Incarvillea delavayi Study the Chemical Constituents from Phlomis mongolica Turcz. A new phenylpropanoid glycoside from Euodia rutaecarpa The Chemical Constituents from Toricellia angulata Identification of chemical constituents in Scrophulariae Radix by HPLC-IT-TOF-MS Advances in studies on chemical constituents of Boschniakia rossica and their pharmacological activities