Effects of Chilling and Gibberellic Acid on the Seed Germination and Seedling Growth in Paeonia ostii‘Feng Dan’ Effects of Chilling and Gibberellic Acid on the Seed Germination and Seedling Growth in Paeonia ostii‘Feng Dan’ Karyotype Analysis and Cytology Observation on Meiosis of Paeonia ostii‘Phoenix White’ Karyotype Analysis and Cytology Observation on Meiosis of Paeonia ostii‘Phoenix White’ Isolation and Expression Analysis of PoFAD2 Gene in Paeonia ostii Isolation and Expression Analysis of PoFAD2 Gene in Paeonia ostii Photosynthetic Characteristics and Its Micro-environmental Limiting Factors of Two Main Oil Peony Heavy metals pollution of Paeonia ostii land at copper-tailings reservoir of Tongling city:A preliminary study Research on the Quality of Original Plants and Material Medicine of Cortex Paeoniae Autotoxic Effect of Cultured Seedlings of Paeonia ostii T. Embryo Heavy metals accumulation in different parts of Paeonia ostii and soils at copper tailings yard Chemical constituents from seed cake of Paeonia ostii Detection of Paeonia ostii autotoxins and their mechanism Establishment of in vitro Rapid Propagation System for Tree Peony(Paeonia ostii) DNA Molecular Evidences of the Inter-specific Hybrids between Paeonia ostii and P.suffruticosa Based on ISSR Markers