Growth andMorphology Differences between and within Aesculus Species THE EFFECT OF ROOT SYSTEM TEMPERATURE ON GROWTH AND PHOTOSYNTHE TIC CHARATERISTICS IN AMARANTHUS TRICOLOR Effects of Valeriana officinalis var.latifolia on Expression of Transforming Growth Factorβ1 in Hypercholesterolemic Rats Effect of drought stress on growth of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Anatom ical Characteristics of Taxodium‘ zhongshansa 302‘and Taxodium d istichum Wood EFFECT OF REGULATION OF PHOSPHATE PENTOSE PATHWAY ON CELL GROWTH AND TAXOL BIOSYNTHESIS IN TAXUS CHINENSIS CELLS Influence of Site Preparation and Tending on Larix kaempferiGrowth for Northern Sub-tropical Alpine Area Application of Five Types of LogisticModels Im itating theStand BasalArea Distribution ofChinese Fir Plantation