Phenological Variation of Larix kaempferi and Its Hybrid Clones and Early Selection Study on the Growing Rhymes of the Three Dendrobia in Huoshan and Its Relation with Ecological Factors STUDY ON GEOGRAPHICAL VARIATION OF PHENOLOGY OF CHINESE FIR AND ITS CORRELATION TO PRODUCTIVITY IN CHINA A Study on the Total Biomass and Its Distribution in Different Organs of Tung-Oil Tree Simulations of phenology in alpine grassland communities in Damxung, Xizang, based on digital camera images Anatomical studies on the fruit development of dwarf cherry Dynamic changes of alkaloid content in aerial part of Sophora alopecuroides at different phenological phases Mieroclimate in tea tree crown and its effect on growth, development and biochemical composition of new shoots Adaptability Evaluations on Different Red Clover Varieties in Lanzhou Impacts of climate change on phenological phase of herb in the main grassland in Inner Mongolia Effect of different developmental stage on plant growth and active compounds in Scutellaria baicalensis Effects of phenological change on ecosystem productivity of temperate deciduous broadleaved forests in North America A study on phenological phases of Astragalus membranaceus Study on winter dormancy of Thesium chinense and its phenological phase The Introduction and Cultivation of Heliconia in South China Botanical Garden Inflorescence Growth Phenology and Ecological Adaptation of Betula microphylla

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