Dimorphic seed germination, plant growth difference, and ecological adaptability of Xanthium italicum Effect of Water Supply on Seed Germination of Soil Seed-bank in Desert Vegetation Studies on filling dynamic and germination characteristics of Rheum palmatum seeds Effect of NaCl Stress on Germination and Fluorescence Characteristics of Elymus sibiricus Seed Salt Resistance of Eight Wild Poa L. Varieties during Seed Germination Stages Effect of Salt Stress on Germination and Physiological Characteristics of Russian Wildryegrass Seed Study on Seeding Survival and Medial Lethal Dose of Three Halophtes Irradiated by Electron Beam A study of germination characteristics and morphology of wild Urtica angustifolia seed A study on soaking and germination characteristics of Fritillaria przewalskii seeds Grain filling dynamics and germination characteristics of Bupleurum chinense seeds Pollen Germination Characteristic and Stigma Receptivity of Pugionium cornutum Pollen Germination Characteristic and Stigma Receptivity of Pugionium cornutum Flavonoids Content of Rice Landraces with Different Seed Coat Color in Yunnan and Their effects on Seed Germination Effect of Treatment with GA3 and Variable Temperature Stratification on Germination and Endogenous Hormones of Magnolia sieboldii Seeds Study on Germinant Characteristic and Radiosensitivity of Giant Pollen in Nonastringent Persimmon Effect of exogenous ALA、SNP and Spd on seed germination characteristics of Platycodon grandiflorum under NaCl stress Effects of Dry Storage and Water Submersion on Seed Germination of 21 Herbaceous Species Indigenous to the Three Gorges Reservoir Region Effects of Fertilizer Applications on the Seed Germination of Elymus sibiricus and Agropyron desertorum Seed Germination of Different Provenances of Sophora moorcroftiana, an Endemic Species to the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Seed Dormancy and Germination Traits of Nyssa Yunnanensis Effect of different water conditions on Panax notoginseng seeds after-ripening and germination physiology Characteristics of Pollen Germination in Vitro of Camellia oleifera

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