THE ANALYSIS OF COMBINING ABILITY OF RICE eui-CMS LINES Study on Breeding of Three-way Hybrid Rice (Oryza sativa L.)Ⅲ. Analysis on the Combining Ability and Heritability of Main Agronomic Traits of Three-way Hybrid Rice in Mid-late Season Cropping Effects of stereoscopic cultivation on soil microorganism, enzyme activity and the agronomic characters of Panax notoginseng Diversity Analysis of Main Agronomic Characters of Different Cornus wilsoniana Clones The Combining Ability Analysis in Main Agronomic Characters for Three Different Types of Soybean and Their Generation Studies on Combining Ability of Major Agronomic Characters in Threeline Indica Hybrid Rice EFFECT OF COMBINED APPLICATION N,P AND K FERTILIZER ON AGRONOMIC CHARACTERS AND THE MAIN CHEMICAL COMPONENTS OF FLUE-CURED TOBACCO Evaluation of Agronomic and Quality Characters of Quinoa Cultivated in Zhangjiakou Canonical correlation analysis of main agronomic and yield characteristics of India rapeseeds (Brassica juncea) in the Tibetan Plateau Effects of genotype, environment and their interaction on the main agronomic traits of Panicum miliaceum Analysis of the Gene Effects for Some Important Agronomic Characters in Summer Soybean Effects of Endophytic Fungi Reinoculation on Physiological and Agronomic Characters of Hemp (Cannabis sativa) Effect of Uneven Planting on Agronomic Characters and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Foxtail Millet Investigat ion of Agronomic Characters and Quality Analysis of Rapeseed Varieties (Brassica Napus L.) by Space Mutat ion GENETIC DIVERSITY ANALYZED BY AFLP MARKER AND PHENOTYPIC TRAITS OF WHEAT CULTIVARS GROWN IN THE NORTHERN PART ANHUI PROVINCE Biological and ecological effect of interplanting tomato/garlic in the facility: influence of interplanting dates on growth, development and yield of different Garlic Cultivars Study on Characteristics of Constitutive Expression of GbLTP1 and GbLTP3 Genes in Land-cotton Effects of Different Color Film Shading on Growth,Photosynthetic Characteristics and Quality Indexes after First Baking of Flue-cured Tobacco Genetic diversity of foreign mungbean germplasm resources by agronomic characters The initial study of the relationship between meteorological factors and agronomic characters of soybean in Beijing area Expression and assessment of agronomic characters of different cotton varieties in Xinjiang Comparative Analysis of the Main Agronomic Characters of Plateau Japonica Rice backbone of Parents and their Derivative Cultivars Study on the main Agronomic Characters in two types of Male Sterile Lines of Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica) Genetic Analysis of Rice Grain Mineral Elements Content and Correlation Analysis with Main Agronomic Characters Agronomic characters and their correlations with yield in summer soybean varieties of different growth habits Analysis of yield components, physiological and agronomic characters of different cultivars of winter wheat bred during different ages Agronomic trait variation of some main orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata) cultivars in China Comparative analysis of agronomic and qualitative characters in different lines of Dendrobium denneanum

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