Allelopathic effects of extracts from Ulva prolifera powders on the growth of Prorocentrum donghaiense and Skeletonema costatum Allelopathic Potential and Its Mechanism of Hypecoum erectum L. on Lettuce Allelopathic Interactions between Two Wetland Species:Sagittaria trifolia and Oryza rufipogon THE EFFECTS OF SULFUR DIOXIDE DERIVATIVES ON THE GROWTH AND CELL CYCLE OF VICIA FABA SEEDLINGS Effects of camptothecin on juvenile hormone and ecdysone titer in diamondback moth Plutella xyllostella Toxicity assessment of soil contaminated by heavy metals using algae growth inhibition test Effect of the derivatives of sulfur dioxide on the germination, growth and cell division of maize seedlings GC-MS analysis of volatile components from barks of Michelia macclurei and their inhibition on in vitro growth of HepG2 cells Inhibitory effect of Trifolium pratense on the growth of Lactuca sativa seedlings THE EFFECTS OF LOW TEMPERATURE ON SEEDLINGS GROWTH AND THE CHANGES OF ISOZYMES IN THREE CROPS Determining antifungal spectrum and mechanism of Trichoderma longibrachiatum in vitro The Effects of 2E, 4E-decadienal on the Growth and Photosynthesis of Three Species of Phytoplankton Effects of three C21 steroidal saponins from Cynanchum auriculatum  on cell growth and cell cycle of human lung cancer A549 cells 低温对玉米、高粱和白菜幼苗生长的伤害与ATPase同工酶变化的关系 Insecticidal activity of protein from Xenorhabdus nematophila var. pekingensis to Helicoverpa armigera Effects of the crude extracts from Periploca sepium Bunge on the bioactivity of imported cabbage worm, Pieris rapae Mitigative effect of salicylic acid on salt stress-induced growth inhibition in cucumber seedling Observation on Inhibitory Effect of Coptis Alone and Its Combination with Scutellaria and Liquorice on the Growth of Staphylococcus aureus GC-MS analysis of volatile components from barks of Michelia macclurei and their inhibition on in vitro growth of HepG2 cells

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