Effects of NH4+-N/ NO3--N ratios on kinetics of nitrate uptake by two typical lettuce genotypes in hydroponics Comprehensive Evaluation Analysis on Cultivation Effects of Lettuce under Different Nitrogen Levels EFFECTS OF SODIUM SULFATE AND SODIUM BICARBONATE ON THE GROWTH OF LETTUCE Studies on the Chemical Constituents of the Essential Oil in the Semen of Lactuca setiva L. and Its Diuretic Action Effect of Nitrogen Forms on the Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Lactuca sativa L.Seedlings Alleopathy of the Aqueous Extracts of Kochia sieversiana Shoots In Vitro Shoot Differentiation from Cotyledon Explants of Lettuce In Vitro Plant Regeneration from Callus Induced from Hypocotyl of Lettuce(Lactuca sativa) In Vitro Plant Regeneration from Callus Induced from Hypocotyl of Lettuce(Lactuca sativa) OBSERVATION OF THE FRUITS OF LACTUCA SATIVA AND ITS VARIETIES WITH AN ELECTRON MICROSCOPE Cloning and Expression Analysis of Heat-Shock-Protein LsHsp70-3701 Gene From Leaf Lettuce Under High Temperature Stress Transformation of Lettuce with FMDV Epitopes Fused Gene Mediated by Agrobacterium Cloning and Expression Analysis of LsHsp70 from Lactuca sativa   Allelopathic potential of 8-methoxy dihydrosanguinarine Responses of Lactuca sativa and Festuca arundinacea to the allelopathy of water extracts from Jacaranda mimosifolia flowers EFFECT OF LOW DOSE IRRADIATION OF 60Co γ-RAYS ON SEED GERMINATION, SEEDLING GROWTH AND ENZYMES ACTIVITY OF Lactuca sativa Inhibitory effect of Trifolium pratense on the growth of Lactuca sativa seedlings In Vitro Shoot Differentiation from Cotyledon Explants of Lettuce Cloning and Expression Analysis of LsHsp70 from Lactuca sativa   Isolation of Embryo Sac Cells of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa)

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