Inheritance of Sterility in Genic Male Sterile Line (20118A) and Marker-Assisted Selection in Hybrid Breeding of Brassica napus L. The Discovery, Inheritance and Utilization of Genic Male Sterility with Genetic Marker in Maize Cloning and Characterization of the Microspore Development-Related Gene BcMF2 in Chinese Cabbage Pak-Choi (Brassica campestris L. ssp. Chinensis Makino) EST-Aided Conversion of AFLP Marker Linked to Dominant Male Sterility Gene in Brassica napus into SCAR Somaclonal Variation of Cytoplasmic Male S terile Lines with Wild Rice CytoplasmII. Somaclonal Thermo-sensitive Genic Male Sterile Mutation A study on Breeding Corn Genetic Male Sterile Double Heterozygous Maintainer Studies on the Isozymic Patterns of the Sterile and Fertile Plants of a Genic Male Sterile Line of Flax(Linum usitatissimum) Study on the main Agronomic Characters in two types of Male Sterile Lines of Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica) Genetic analysis and gibberellins treatment effects on dwarfism of maize genic male sterile mutant induced by space flight Differential Expression Analysis in Flower Buds of RC7 CMS and Its Maintainer Line of Brassica campestris L. SSH Specific Expression of the Internodes Beneath the Spikes of Thermo-Sensitive Genic Male Sterility Rice Combining Ability of the Major Characters and Yield Heterosis Analysis of Geneic Male Sterillity Mutant K305ms in Maize Genetic Analysis of a Maize Male Sterile Mutant Induced by 60Co-γ Irradiation Sterility Investigation and Genetical Analysis of a Thermosensitive Genic Male Sterile Mutant 0A15-1 in Rice Genotype Identification of Restorer of Double Dominant Genic Sterility 896AB in B.campestris L. Genetic Verification of Multiple Allelic Gene for Dominant Genic Male Sterility in 609AB (Brassica napus L.) Develop Thermo-sensitive Genic Male Sterile (TGMS) Rice Line by Means of Population Improvement Identification of AFLP Markers Linked to the Dominant Genic Male Sterility Gene in Brassica napus L. THE DEVELOPMENT OF eui1-P(T) GMS LINE X07eS AND ITS BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERS Pollen fertility and cytological observation of a thermosensitive genic male sterile line of non-pollen type XianS in rice(Oryza sativa L.) Changes of Free Amino Acids in Developing Buds of a Dominant Male Sterile Line in Sesame Genetic analysis and molecular mapping of the rice male sterile mutant D63

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