A Preliminary Study on the Use of RFLP Analysis of the PCR Amplified Products in the ystematic Investigation of the Subtribe Astragalinae (Fabaceae) The Chemical Constituents of Blackfruit Galangal (Alpin ia nigra) Isolation and Identification of Flavonoid Glycosides from the leaf of Apocynum hendersonii Hook. f Chemical constituents of Swertia bimaculata Study on the flavonoids of Eupatorium lindleyanum Study on Flavonoids of Cuscuta australis R.Br. Chemical constituents in roots and rhizomes of Trillium tschonoskii Studies on chemical constituents in herbs of Dracocephalum moldavica A Research on the Quality of Radix Astragali and Its Likes Isolation of flavonoids from male flowers of Eucommia ulmoides and their anti-oxidantive activities Quantitative Determination of Astragalin A in Fengrutong Granule by TLC Scanner Study on chemical constituents from Potentilla supina Study on chemical constituents from Potentilla supina