Retrotransposons in the Genomes of Higher Plants Experimental Measurement of the Water Relations Parameters of Nine Shrubs and Some Ecological Interpretations RAPD Analysis of Sixteen Varieties of Mustard Studies on Microdissection and Microcloning of the Rye Chromosome 1R Comparison and Improvement of Polymorphism Amplification Methods Used for Detecting DNA Diversity of Plants Genetic Diversity and Differentiation of Cyclobalanopsis glauca Populations in East China Effect of Seedling Transplantation on the14CO2 Assimilation and the Apportionment of 14C ssimilations Within the Cotton Plant Interplanted in Standing Wheat Genetic Diversity and Population Differentiation of Cathaya argyrophylla in Bamian Mountain Effects of Doubled CO2 Concentration on the Content of Photosynthetic Pigments and PS II Functions of Jointing and Grouting in Setaria italica Vegetation Types, Community Species Diversity and Conservation of Southern Fildes Peninsula (King George Island, South Shetland Islands) Antarctic Photosynthetic Characteristics of an Albino Mutant (zb/zb) in Maize A Modeling Study on Responses of Alkaline Grassland Ecosystems to Climate Change in Light of Diversity and Spatial Patterns Relationship of Plasmalemma Redox Activity to K+ Uptake by Dunaliella salina Cells Direct Measurement of the K+-Channel and Its Ion Selectivity in the Thylakoid Membrane from Spinach (Spinacea oleracea L.) Leaves Primary Study on Interrelation Between Plant Communities and Environmental Factors in the North Shore of Qinghai Lake Distorted Segregations of RFLP Markers and Their Distribution on Chromosomes in an indica/japonica F2 Population of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Anticarcinogenic Alkaloids in the Cultured Cells of Cephalotaxus fortunei Peroxidase Isozyme Study in the Interspecific Advanced Lines From Gossypium Genetic Variation and IndicaJaponica Differentiation in Yunnan Indigenous Rice Structural Requirement for Clusters to be Reconstituted with the FeMoCo-Deficient Molybdenum-Iron Protein In Vitro Induction of Regeneration of Fruit-Like Structure in Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. Changes of Spectral Reflectance of Pinus densiflora Forest and Relations to Some Factors in Spring at Au Ore Region in Zhaoyuan County,Shandong Province Structure of Micropyle in Gossypium hirsutum and the Pathway of Pollen Tube Growth Nuclear Invagination and Nuclear Vacuole Formation in Several Plants Studies on Meiotic Behavious of F-1 and Fertility Restoration in Hybrid of Gossypium herbaceum× G. bickii Analysis of Species Diversity of the Forest Vegetation in Dongling Mountain, Beijing Chromosomal Locations of Wheatgrass Esterase Isozyme Genes in Set I Wheat-Wheatgrass Alien Additional Lines A Cytological Study of the Genus Ammopiptanthus Cytoplasmic Ultrastructural Changes During Microsporogenesis of Gossypium hirsutum:With Emphasis on The Giant Stacked Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum and Its Activity During Cotton Microspore Development A Study on the Relationship Between the Net Photosynthetic Rate of Young European Beech and Main Climatic Factors Under Natural Conditions Comparative Studies on Relation of Photosynthesis to Water Status of Two Species of Haloxylon Under Controlled Environments High Frequency Induction of Somatic Embryoid of Rice in Suspension Culture The Effect of Armillaria mellea Elicitor on Alkaloid Production in Tissue Cultures of Corydalis yanhusuo A Study on External Factors for Control of Leaf Water Potential of Apricots Studies on Somatic Embryogenesis and Histological Observation in Gossypium hirsutum L. cv. Coker 312 Protein Diversity and Cultivar Identification (Review) Study on Chemical Constituents of Swertia verticillifolia An EM Study on the Nucleolar Residual in Meristematic Cells of Vicia faba Scanning Electron Microscopic Studies on the Development of the Organs of Litchi Flower Studies on the Constituents from Marsdenia globifera Tissue Culture and Embryogenesis of Gossypium hirsutum L Plant Regeneration from Cotyledon Protoplasts of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) A Study on the Cotinus coggygria var. Cinerea Scrub in Qingzhou Mountain Area of Shundong Province A Preliminary Study on the Relationships between the Main Climatic Ecological Factors and the Physiological Activities and the Growth of Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook in Its Northernmost Marginal Regions Plant Regeneration from Supersweet Maize Protoplasts Derived from Gametophytic Cell Suspensions Ultrastructural Studies on the Pollen-stigma Interaction of Intersectional Hybridization in Populus Photosynthetic Functions of Rice Improved by 2,3-eroxypropionate A Study on Ultrastructure, Development and Function of Plastids of Cuscuta australis R.Br Isolation and Identification of Flavonoid Glycosides from the leaf of Apocynum hendersonii Hook. f Correlation Analysis between Productivity of Chinese Pine Pinus tabulaeformis (Carr.) Plantations and Ecological Factors in Shaanxi Province A DISCUSSION ON PLANT DIVERSITY OF TROPICAL MONTANE RAIN FORESTS IN XISHUANGBANNA, YUNNAN ALLOZYME VARIATION IN 10 NATURAL POPULATIONS OF PICEA ASPERATA SUBPOPULATION GENETIC STRUCTURE IN A PANMICTIC POPULATION AS REVEALED BY MOLECULAR MARKERS: A CASE STUDY OF CASTANEA SEQUINII USING SSR MARKERS INFLUENCE OF ECOLOGICAL FACTORS ON DISTRIBUTION OF WOODY PLANT FUNCTIONAL TYPES IN A NATURAL TROPICAL FOREST LANDSCAPE, BAWANGLING,HAINAN ISLAND,SOUTH CHINA GENETIC DIVERSITY OF TILIA AMURENSIS POPULATIONS IN DIFFERENT GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION REGIONS CHANGES OF CHARACTERISTICS OF THE LEAF EPIDERMIS AND GENETIC DIVERSITY OF CARAGANA DAVAZAMCII IN DIFFERENT HABITATS IN ERDOS PLATEAU, CHINA BIOMASS CARBON ACCOUNTING FACTORS OF LARIX FORESTS IN CHINA BASED ON LITERATURE DATA MODIS-DETERMINED INTER-ANNUAL VEGETATION DYNAMICS IN JINGHE WATERSHED, CHINA POTENTIAL GLOBAL GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF AMARANTHUS RETROFLEXUS PARTITIONING OF NIGHT SAP FLOW OF ACACIA MANGIUMAND ITS IMPLICATION FOR ESTIMATING WHOLE-TREE TRANSPIRATION RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CANOPY HYPERSPECTRA PARAMETER AND LEAF NITROGEN CONCENTRATION IN COTTON INTERSPECIFIC RELATIONSHIPS OF DOMINANT SPECIES IN ORCHID COMMUNITIES OF FOREST VEGETATION IN HUANGLONG VALLEY, SICHUAN, CHINA CLONAL DIVERSITY AND STRUCTURE IN POLYGONUM VIVIPARUM REVIEW OF CLONAL DIVERSITY AND ITS EFFECTS ON ECOSYSTEM FUNCTIONING POPULATION GENETIC DIFFERENTIATIONS IN THE INVASIVE PLANT MIKANIA MICRANTHA IN CHINA CLONAL GROWTH CHARACTERISTICS OF THYMUS SERPYLLUM VAR.ASIATICUS CANONICAL CORRESPONDENCE ANALYSIS OF SUMMER PHYTOPLANKTON COMMUNITY AND ITS ENVIRONMENT IN THE YANGTZE RIVER ESTUARY, CHINA RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN HABITATS AND COMMUNITIES OF SUBALPINE MEADOW ON MT. XIAOWUTAI, NORTH CHINA GAP-PHASE REGENERATION RULES OF CONIFER-BROADLEAVED MIXED FOREST IN WOLONG NATURE RESERVE, CHINA CONE AND SEED CHARACTERISTICS OF PINUS DENSATA AND THEIR ADAPTIVE FITNESS IMPLICATIONS SPECIES-AREA RELATIONSHIPS OF SOIL SEED BANK IN KARST FOREST IN CENTRAL YUNNAN, CHINA UTILIZATION AND DISSIPATION OF STRONG SOLAR RADIATION IN TWO ALPINE PLANTS, ANISODUS TANGUTICUS AND RHEUM TANGUTICUM GENETIC DIVERSITIES OF FOUR JUGLANS POPULATIONS REVEALED BY AFLP IN SICHUAN PROVINCE, CHINA STRUCTURE AND SPECIES COMPOSITION OF GROUND BRYOPHYTE COMMUNITY OF HIGH-ALTITUDE YOUNG SILVICULTURAL CUTOVERS IN RANGTANG COUNTY, CHINA: EVALUATION ON EFFECTS OF CLEAR- CUTTING AND SILVICULTURAL MANAGEMENT CORRELATION BETWEEN FLORAL TRAITS OF CHRYSANTHEMUM (DENDRANTHEMA MORIFOLIUM) AND INSECT VISITORS COMPARATIVE STUDIES ON CRYSTAL IDIOBLASTS OF FIVE DESERT C4 PLANTS CORRELATIONS BETWEEN METEOROLOGICAL FACTORS AND LEAF ELEMENT CONTENTS IN DESERT PLANT REAUMURIA SOONGORICA PLANT SPECIES DIVERSITY OF THE ISLAND FOREST IN A MARSH IN THE SANJIANG PLAIN, CHINA SPATIAL AND TEMPORAL DYNAMICS OF CO2 CONCENTRATION AND ITS CAUSES IN XISHUANGBANNA TROPICAL SEASONAL RAIN FOREST, CHINA