Effect of copper stress on ultra-structure of mesophyll cells in Chinese cabbage Leaf Structure Associated With Drought Resistance of Different Clover Cultivars Effect of water stress on mesophyll cells and the number of stomata of spring wheat growing in semi arid region Response of leaf δ13C to altitudinal gradients and its mechanism RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ULTRASTRUCTURE OF WHEAT MESOPHYLL CELL UNDER WATER STRESS AND DROUGHT-RESISTANCE ISOLATION, CULTURE AND CALLUS FORMATION OF MESOPHYLL CELL PROTOPLASTS OF Pisum satium L. OBSERVATION OF THE LEAF STRUCTURE OF TWO DAVIDIA INVOLUCRATA BAILL SPECIES The content of K and Na in epidermis and mesophyll cells of Puccinellia tenuiflora seedling leaves under Na2CO3 stress Effects of Na2CO3 stress on the ultrastructure of mesophyll cells in Puccinellia tenuiflora Ultrastructure of Mesophyllic Cells and Chloroplasts of Spirodela polyrrhiza under Different Light Intensities and Temperatures Effect of Salt Stress on the Ultrastructure of Cells Membrane System in Maize Damage of Simulated Acid Rain to Tree‘s Mesophyll Cells Short-Term Responses of Leaf Gas Exchange Characteristics to Drought Stress of Cotinus coggygria Seedlings Plant Regeneration from Mesophyll Protoplasts of Astragalus tenuis Cell Wall Regenration During Early Development of Mesophyll Protoplasts of Astragalus melilotoides var. tenuis Study of Diurnal Changes in Photosynthetic Rate and Quantum Efficiency of Grapevine Leaves and Their Utilization in Canopy Management Study of ultrastructure of Phragmites communis mesophyll cell under salt stress The research progress of mesophyll conductance Effects of Light Intensity on Microstructure and Ultrastructure of Panax ginseng Leaves Under Field Condition Degradation of Storage Photosynthates in Isolated Spinach Mesophyll Cells in CO2-Free System and Its Regulatory Factors Studies on Plant Regeneration from Mesophyll Protoplasts of Solanum tuberosum L. RELATIONSHIP EETWEEN CHLOROFLAST SENESCENCE AND WATERLOGGING OF RAPE EFFECTS OF WATER STRESS ON PHOTOSYNTHESIS OF WHEAT LEAVES AND THEIR RELATION TO DROUGHT RESISTANCE STUDY ON SMALL VACOULE FORMATION DURING RAPE MESOPHYLL CELL DE-DIFFERENTIATION IN VITRO CULTURE THE TUBULI-VESICULAR STRUCTURE IN MESOPHYLL CELLS OF RAPE PLANTS GROWN IN DRY CONDITION STUDIES ON THE POISONING SYMPTOMS AND THE MORPHOLOGICAL CHANGES OF THE LEAVES BLADE OF B.SCHREBERI INDUCED BY THE STRESS OF THE POLLUTION OF Cd~( 2+) PROTOPLAST CULTURE AND PLANT REGENERATION FROM MESOPHYLL OF ALFALFA (MEDICAGO SATIVA L.) Effect of NaCl Stress on Ultrastructure of Halophytes Artemisia anethifolia Mesophyll Protoplast Fusion Induced by External Electric Fields Dynamic Changes of Ca2+ in the Mesophyll Cells of Euonymus japonicus cv. ‘CuZhi’ under Low Temperature Stress THE DISTRIBUTION OF NA+ AND CL- IN WHEAT LEAF MESOPHYLL CELLS THE EFFECT OF ULTRASTRUCTURE OF NaCI ON SESOPHYLL CELLS OF WHEAT SEEDLINGS PLANT REGENERATION FROM MESOPHYLL PROTOPLASTS OF SOLANUM QUITOENSE LAM. Ultrastructural Changes in Rape Mesophyll Cells during Their De-differentiation and Re-differentiation Observation on the Morphology of Leaf Blade Cells in Oats under Different Sowing-date Conditions Studies on the Morphology and function of the Mesophyll Cells of Leaf-blades and Leaf-sheaths in Rye (Secale cereale L.) Electron microscopic observation on mitochondria of an especial cold-hardened plant in winter Studies on the Relationship between the Successive Release of Winter Varieties in Xinjiang Province and the Evolution of the Mesophyll Cells in the Flag Leaves of Wheat Deletion of 93 bp Far upstream Fragment of Rice Cytosolic Fructose 1, 6 Bisphosphatase Promoter Completely Alter Its Expression Pattern Preliminary Observation on the Cell Morphology of Leaf Blades and Other Vegetative Organs in Sorghum SEVERAL BETTER MEDIA FOR CULTURING MESOPHYLL PROTOPLASTS OF PETUNIA HYBRIDA Ultrastructural responses of Syntrichia caninervis to a gradient of NaCl stress Adaptation of leaf mesophyll structure to environmental light condition and its effect on leaf photosynthesis Redistribution of potassium in tobacco mesophyll cell under soil drought stress and different levels of potassium supplied Electron microscopic observation on electron dense structure in cytoplasm of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus Effect of Drought Stress on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Ultrastructure of Mesophyll Cells in Three Cultivars of Jaminum sambac Development of Specific Inclusion in the Mesophyll Cells of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus

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