Studies on the Karyotype of 5 Samples of Allium Sect. Bromatorrhiza Ekberg Analysis of characteristics of a hexaploid somatic mutant of hybrid Pennisetum Chromosome counts in the Genus Calamagrostis s1l ( Poaceae) from Southwestern China* Detection of Hexaploid and Mechanisms of Polyploidy Formation in Allium wallichii Kunth Polymorphism of Glu-1 locus in hexaploid triticale germplasm resources Allelic Variations of Puroindoline a and Puroindoline b Genes in New Type of Synthetic Hexaploid Wheats from CIMMYT Detection of the Molecular Marker and Chromosomal Segment linked to Unreduced Gamete Gene in Common Wheat Identification of synthetic wheat accessions with resistance to sharp eyespot Synthetic hexaploid wheat enhances variation and adaptive evolution of bread wheat in breeding processes Morphological characteristics of leaf epidermis and size variation of leaf, flower and fruit in different ploidy levels in Buddleja macrostachya (Buddlejaceae) Flowering and Pollen Fertility of an Interspecific CitrusHexaploid Somatic Hybrid Regeneration of Hexaploid Plants of Cherry Dwarf Rootstock ‘Gisela 6‘ from in vitro Leave Treated with Colchicine Gliadin Genetic Diversity in Artificially Synthesized Hexaploid Wheat Nutrient Uptake and Use Efficiency of Diploid, Tetraploid, and Hexaploid Wheats under Different Water and Nutrition Conditions Detection of the Introgression Loci of Synthetic Hexaploid Wheat in Wheat Cultivar Chuanmai 42 by SSR Markers Genetic Effects of 1BS Chromosome Arm on the Main Agrionomic Traits in Chuanmai 42 Water and Nutrient Use Efficiency in Diploid, Tetraploid and Hexaploid Wheats THE RELATION BETWEEN MORE SPIKELET AND HIGE MOLECULAR WEIGHT SUBUNIT COMPOSITIONS IN HEXAPLOID WHEAT Regeneration of Hexaploid Plants of Cherry Dwarf Rootstock ‘Gisela 6‘ from in vitro Leave Treated with Colchicine Identification of a High-Yield Introgression Locus from Synthetic Hexaploid Wheat in Chuanmai 42 THE EFFECT OF GAMETOCIDAL CHROMOSOME 2C DERIVED FROM AEGILOPS CYLINDRYCA ON MEIOSIS AND MITOSIS OF POLLEN GRAINS OF TRITICALE Studies on the Hexaploid Interspecific Hybrid and Its Backcross with Cultivarsin Strawberry Grain yield and water use efficiency of diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid wheats Genetic diversity of hexaploid Triticale analyzed by SSR markers Meiosis observation and chromosome configuration analysis of Magnolia denudata

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