Photosynthetic characteristics of Saposhnikovia divaricata in different habitats in summer Equilibrium relationships of soil organic carbon in the main croplands of northeast china based on structural equation modeling The diurnal variation of photosynthesis in leaves of Rhododendron fortunei Study on the relationship between the soil nutrient elements and the apple fruit quality of the newly reclaimed apple orchard in Taihang mountain gneiss area Genetic variability and interrelationships of mainly quantitative traits in Glycyrrhiza uralensis cultivated population Seasonal variation in photosynthesis of an introduced bamboo species Guadua amplexifolia Comparative study on photosynthesis of medicinal plant Saposhnikovia divaricata in different periods Study on Inheritance and Correlation of Tassel in Maize RELATIONSHIP OF YIELD AND ITS COMPONENTS AND BREEDING TARGETSFOR WHEAT CULTIVARS IN SHAANXI CENTRAL PLAIN Studies on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Three Clones of Catalpa bungei under Various Salt Stress Irrigation and Non-Irrigation to the Yield of Two Legumes Yield Components of Super Wheat Cultivars with Different Types and the Path Coefficient Analysis on Grain Yield CORRELATION ANALYSIS AND MULTIPLE TRAIT SELECTION ON YIELD CHARACTERS OF GINKGO LEAVES

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